Python task to perform web scraping on voters information i.e. publicly available on the website of Election Comission Nepal
Downloads voters information on bulk i.e. publicly available on the website of Election Comission Nepal
Provide argument values for state, district, vdc_num, ward and reg_centre in the voter variable of file.
To install necessary packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Line to modify arguments in file: Example:
voters = extract_voters(state="1", district="4",
vdc_mun="5030", ward="3", reg_centre="2347")
Saves a CSV file to the voters-warehouse directory with the election center's name as the file name. Sample of saved files:
Uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Pandas
- Beautiful Soup
- Requests
The voter records are imported/downloaded/saved all at once, but we must provide the arguments for each voting center manually and it is a hassle. Reason to provide argument values manually: While working on this project, I learned that there are over ten thousand election centers in Nepal, each with a unique address that combines state, district, municipality/vdc, ward, and registered center. I couldn't find a way to keep/map election center's record at a single place. And it is challenging to inspect elements and go through thousands of records to create a single file containing all of the election center's necessary arguments for retrieving all of the voter's records at once. As a result, in order to retrieve voter records from that specific election center, we must provide arguments manually.