Spring demos
- exp1 (Spring, Hibernate with H2 )
Basic demo consist of Spring, Hibernate, H2. Single entity, no UI, add operation.
Access URL H2 console : http://localhost:8080/exp1/h2/
Access URL application controller : http://localhost:8080/exp1/demo/add?name=alpha&[email protected]
- SpringSecurityDemo
In memory authentication. Authority wise access separation
- HATEOAS Spring demo
Hypertext as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)
HATEOAS is principle of guiding user through REST application through informing them about next potential step.
In this demo I have created StandardController for Cars which
- Returns all cars (with hyper media link to cars of each company)
- Returns cars of company by company name
- Node js demo
- Node js
- Express js
- Docker