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adapter issue
adapter issue
breaking change - adapters
breaking change - adapters
Has breaking changes for Adapter maintainers
breaking change - callers
breaking change - callers
Has breaking API changes for those calling Prebid Server endpoints
breaking change - hosts
breaking change - hosts
Has breaking changes for companies that host Prebid Server
code coverage
code coverage
code quality
code quality
Core Internal APIs
Core Internal APIs
Tag used for issues that change core APIs internal to the code (e.g. Bidder)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
External API impact
External API impact
Tag for issues and PRs which affect the external API
Issues caused by factors external to the project (e.g. adapter endpoints)
failing tests
failing tests
feature request
feature request
Pull requests that update go code
good first issue
good first issue
Issues which are good for new contributors looking to get involved in the project
has docs
has docs
Docs were required for this PR, and have been included
help wanted
help wanted
high priority
high priority
In Dev - Go
In Dev - Go
in progress
in progress
Intent to implement
Intent to implement
An issue describing a plan for a major feature. These are intended for community feedback
Long Form Video
Long Form Video
match rate
match rate
med priority
med priority
merge conflicts
merge conflicts