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Precise Alloy - Regression Test

Please check Documentation for the instructions.

Get latest features and bug fixes for the tool

  1. Add a remote to base test framework (only need to run one time):

    git remote add hn
  2. Periodically, get latest test frame work features and bug fixes by running the below command:

    git fetch hn
    git merge hn/master
  3. Commit/Push the changes to the project's repository.

Compare between old and new environment

  1. Run below command:

    $env:REPLACEMENT_PROFILE = 'default'
  2. Execute your test suites as usual.
    The tests now run on old env with ref command and new env with test command`.

  3. When your tasks are finished, either close the terminal or run below command to reset the profile:


Use command aliases

  1. Run the following command:

    . ./alias.ps1
  2. Use new command aliases:

    Command Alias 1 Alias 2
    npm run ref -- --test-suite alloy r alloy ref alloy
    npm run approve -- --test-suite alloy a alloy approve alloy
    npm run ref -- --test-suite alloy t alloy test alloy