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Full Screen Start Menu by Archie and Mudskip

Team Aqua's Hideout edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 15 revisions


To apply these changes you have two options, either pull the branch from the TeamAqua fork of pokeemerald (instructions below), or copy in the changes by hand Here is the diff

This branch is Expansion Compatible but if you are using the HGSS Pokedex you need to change one line in pokdex_plus_hgss.c:

static void Task_ClosePokedex(u8 taskId)
    if (!
        gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = sPokedexView->dexMode;
        if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled())
            gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = DEX_MODE_HOENN;
        gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.order = sPokedexView->dexOrder;
        SetMainCallback2(CB2_ReturnToFullScreenStartMenu);   // This is the changed Line
        m4aMPlayVolumeControl(&gMPlayInfo_BGM, TRACKS_ALL, 0x100);


The Start Menu uses the same FLAG_SYS_POKEDEX_GET, FLAG_SYS_POKEMON_GET, FLAG_SYS_POKENAV_GET flags to determine whether or not you can use each of the menus as the vanilla Start Menu. They will show up greyed out if you do not have these flags set and you won't be able to use them.

The save dialogue does not give an extra confirmation for overwriting an existing save, I've never heard of anyone accidentally doing this so personally I like it better this way. Just be aware.


You use git remote add and git pull commands to pull in a feature branch. That is,

git remote add team_aqua

git pull team_aqua full_start_menu

(instructions from Pawkkie)

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