Python DDNS client for Aliyun.
Forked from vcancy/aliyun-ddns-client, but with some new features. For example, the 'AAAA' record support and multiple interfaces support.
This version of DDNS client supports auto updating 'A' and 'AAAA' type DomainRecord.
Other types are not supported because they need following value format other than IP address:
- 'NS', 'MX', 'CNAME' types DomainRecord need domain name format value
- 'SRV' type DomainRecord need name.protocal format value
- 'Explicit URL' and 'Implicit URL' need URL format value
Some 3rd party python libraries are required for aliyun-ddns-client as below, you can install it via pip or easy_install:
- requests
- netifaces (needed only when you want to get IP address from the interface setting, it maybe useful when you have multiple interfaces.)
For example:
# pip install requests
# pip install netifaces # optional
- Download all files to somewhere, e,g: /opt/aliyun-ddns-client
- Rename "ddns.conf.example" to "ddns.conf" in the same dir
- Create a cronjob which execute "python" periodly, e,g:
*/5 * * * * cd /opt/aliyun-ddns-client && /usr/bin/python
- Make sure ddns.conf can be accessed by cronjob user
- Download all files to some where, e,g:/root/tools/aliyun-ddns-client
- Rename "ddns.conf.example" to "ddns.conf" in the same dir
- Copy two files: "ddns.timer" and "ddns.service" to "/usr/lib/systemd/system"
root@local# systemctl daemon-reload
root@local# systemctl start ddns.timer
root@local# systemctl status ddns.timer -l
Required options need to be set in /etc/ddns.conf:
- access_id
- access_key
- domain
- sub_domain
Optional options:
- type
- debug
- interface
# access id obtains from aliyun
# access key obtains from aliyun
# it is not used at this moment, you can just ignore it
# turn on debug mode or not
# Required: domain name, like
# Required: subdomain name, like: *, www, blog, bbs
# Required: resolve type, like: A, AAAA
# Not Required: Interface will be used to get the IP address.
# interface=eth0
- Create a DNS resolve entry in Aliyun console manually, e,g:
- You can leave any IP address on Aliyun server for this entry, like
- Make sure all required options are inputted correctly in "ddns.conf"
- Make sure "ddns.conf" can be readable for the user who setup cron job
NOTICE: Only domain records both defined in local config file and Aliyun server will be updated, so if you want to add a new domain records, please to add the domain records in the Aliyun console website.
Q: Why it failed with error message "The input parameter "Timestamp" that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied." in describeDomainRecords()?
A: Please check what's the value in params 'TimeStamp'. If the value has big difference with the correct time, you need use ntpdate to sync system time to the correct one.
Q: Why it failed with error message "Failed to save the config value"?
A: You need make sure current cronjob user has permission to write file /etc/ddns.conf.
Q: Why it raise exception "AttributeError: 'X509' object has no attribute '_x509'"?
A: PyOpenSSL version need >= 0.14, and you may try to fix this problem by do following:
sudo yum uninstall python-requests sudo pip uninstall pyopenssl cryptography requests sudo pip install requests