This is a multithreading program written in Python that demonstrates parallel execution using threads.
The program performs matrix multiplication using multiple threads to demonstrate the parallel processing capabilities of Python's threading module.
To run this program, you need:
- Python 3.x installed on your system
- Basic understanding of multithreading concepts in Python
- Clone this repository to your local machine
- Navigate to the repository directory
- Run the program using any notebook editor
- Import necessary libraries
import time
import threading
import random as r
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
- Create a constant matrix of the order 1000*1000
matrix1 = np.eye(1000)
- Created the task function that generates a random matrix and multiplies it with the constant matrix
def task(matrix1):
matrix2 = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
result =, matrix2)
- Created a parametrized function for threading
def thread_task(num_of_threads):
startTime = time.time()
activeThreads = threading.active_count()
print("Program Started for", num_of_threads, "threads")
# Multiplying 100 matrices
for i in range(100):
t=threading.Thread(target=task, args=(matrix1,))
while True:
if threading.active_count() - activeThreads + 1 <= num_of_threads:
# Wait for all the threads to finish
while True:
if threading.active_count() == activeThreads:
print("Active Threads: ", threading.active_count())
print("Threads left:", threading.active_count() - activeThreads)
print("Program Finished for", num_of_threads, "threads")
print("Time taken: ", time.time()-startTime)
return time.time()-startTime
- Create a dataframe to store results
result = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Threads', 'Time (Sec)'])
- Calling the function and storing the results for different number of threads
for threads in range(1,11):
new_row = pd.DataFrame({'Threads': [int(threads)], 'Time (Sec)': [thread_task(threads)]})
result = pd.concat([result, new_row], ignore_index=True)
- Displaying the results
- Plotting the results
- CPU Usage