This is to note steps to run the project locally. Please use the Google Cloud links if you do not intend to run this locally.
The web endpoints are simple HTTP endpoints which take a couple of query parameters and returns an html page with the necessary data. The query params are detailed below:
count : Number of search results you want (Please do not go beyond 20 or the HTML page will be very slow to load)
dayFrom, dayTo : Use the parametes to set the date range of the returned results (Example: 2022-11-21)
search: This is your search query. Enter a text query here. (Example: osprey)
You will need Node and Python 3.10 in your environment.
Go into the code directory and open any terminal. Run the following commands to install the prerequisite packages
npm install
pip install python-terrier
pip install pandas
pip install thefuzz
pip install flask
node index.mjs
flask --app run
You can access the two local search endpoints by visiting
- V1 Endpoint -- Uses pure Node and Javascript for search
- V2 Endpoint -- Uses Terrier and modified BM25 for search
Incase of any errors, please reach out to [email protected]