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🎨⚡️🔥 Reusable Utilities for FastAPI

Package version PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Python Version


  • Repeat At / Every for scheduling cron jobs
  • TTL LRU Cache
  • Timing Middleware that logs you the time taken by a request
  • Session Middleware
  • CLI tool to generate skeleton

Source Code:
Youtube Link: Click Here

Inspired From: dmontagu/fastapi-utils

[✨Update✨] How to use with Latest FastAPI version

With the latest FastAPI version, on_event lifespan functions are depreceated. Here is the official doc. We need to make use of asynccontextmanager with the latest fastapi.

Here is an example how to use lifespan (Repeated Tasks) functions with latest fastapi:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from fastapi_utilities import repeat_every, repeat_at

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
    # --- startup ---
    await test()
    # --- shutdown ---

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

# Repeat Every Example
async def test():

# Repeat At Example
@repeat_at(cron="* * * * *")
def test2():

Only difference is to call our tasks from lifespan function instead of using on_event function.


We have introduced ttl_lru_cache now in our library.

How to use

from fastapi_utilities import ttl_lru_cache

@ttl_lru_cache(ttl=2, max_size=128)
def sum(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

sum(1, 3)
sum(1, 3)

[🔥New🔥] FastAPI CLI Tool

With our CLI Tool you can get a skeleton project built to get you started with the code.

How to use

  • Using poetry: poetry run cli init
  • Using pip: python3 -m cli init


This package includes a number of utilities to help reduce boilerplate and reuse common functionality across projects:

  • 🕒Repeated Tasks: Easily trigger periodic tasks on server startup using repeat_every.

from fastapi_utilities import repeat_every

async def print_hello():

  • 👷Cron Jobs: Easily trigger cron jobs on server startup using repeat_at by providing a cron expression.

from fastapi_utilities import repeat_at

@repeat_at(cron="*/2 * * * *") #every 2nd minute
async def hey():

  • 🕒Timer Middleware: Add a middleware to the FastAPI app that logs the time taken to process a request. Optionally, also logs the average response time.The average response time is reset after every (reset_after)100,000 requests.

import asyncio
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi_utilities import add_timer_middleware

app = FastAPI()
add_timer_middleware(app, show_avg=True)

def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello, World!"}

Response Logs:

INFO:     (fastapi-utilities) "GET - /" :: Time Taken :: 0.97 ms
INFO:     :: Average Response Time :: 0.97 ms
  • Cached Sessions: Now use cached sessions along with context manager instead of get_db.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from .db import Base, engine
from fastapi_utilities import FastAPISessionMaker, repeat_every
from .models import User
import random

app = FastAPI()

session_maker = FastAPISessionMaker("sqlite:///db.sqlite3")

@repeat_every(seconds=5, raise_exceptions=True)
async def startup():
    print("Starting up...")
    with session_maker.context_session() as session:
        x = User(id=random.randint(0, 10000))
    print("Startup complete!")


This package is intended for use with any recent version of FastAPI and Python 3.7+.


pip install fastapi-utilities


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.