- Koel (music streaming server)
- Redshift (automatic color temperature adjustment)
- The Magic of strace
- youtube-dl
- C11 - a new C standard aiming at safer programming
- C11 specification (final draft)
- Efficient C/C++
- Going back to C
- Object-oriented programming in C
- Robust Design Techniques for C Programs
- SEI CERT C Coding Standard: Rules for Developing Safe, Reliable, and Secure Systems
- Why I Love C (and Hate C++)
- Why should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++ (part I)
- Why C is a good language - or why you're wrong thinking C++ is better
- Google Sanitizers
- Orthodox C+++ (aka C+)
- Simplify C++!
- StackExchange: C++ vs Perl/Python/C
- What's Wrong with C++ Templates? explicação do funcionamento de Templates em C++ (sob a luz de ML e LISP)
- Why C++ is Bad
- Awesome Go (A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software.)
- Quotes About Go Programming (cat-v)
- From Python to Go: migrating our entire API
- Who needs generics? Use ... instead!
- Esterel v5 Language Primer good introduction to synchronous programming languages
- goto is awesome
- Composition over Inheritance (Wikipedia)
- Don't Let Architecture Astronauts Scare You
- Magpie Developer
- SICP 2.4: Multiple Representations for Abstract Data
- OOP is an expensive disaster which must end
- Pragmatic Programming good article regarding the Pragmatic Programming book with half a dozen interesting references
- Programming Quotes (cat-v)
- Secure Programming HOWTO
- The Humble Programmer (Dijkstra)
- The sad state of web development
- Things You Should Never Do, Part I
- Unix and Object-Oriented Languages
- WebRTC in the real world: STUN, TURN and signaling
- WebRTC connectivity
- STUN the Network – How STUN helps WebRTC Traverse NATs
- How FPGAs work, and why you'll buy one
- [Introduction to embedded systems (Book)] (http://leeseshia.org/releases/LeeSeshia_DigitalV2_2.pdf)
- Project Gutenberg legal way of obtaining LOTS of nice books
- Library Genesis shady way of obtaining even more books (via bittorrent)