27 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Temporarily pin uri gem to < 1 by @corylown in #3256
- Start development of version 5 on main branch by @corylown in #3257
- Unpin uri; v1.0.1 fixes carrierwave issue by @corylown in #3262
- Move to Propshaft, stop supporting Sprockets and Blacklight 7 by @taylor-steve in #3161
- Modify "select all/deselect all" button to become an "All" checkbox to save horizontal space by @hudajkhan in #3260
- Unpin solr version in test app by @taylor-steve in #3267
- fix breadcrumbs for polymorphic paths by @dnoneill in #3268
- Use SkipLinkComponent for Blacklight 8 by @taylor-steve in #3240
- Replace Nestable with Sortable by @taylor-steve in #3055
- Replace typeahead with auto-complete-element by @taylor-steve in #3102
- fix for import using :label instead of 'label' for some custom fields by @dnoneill in #3197
- remove tophat by @dnoneill in #3253
- Update README by @taylor-steve in #3270
- update content_for check when annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames i… by @dnoneill in #3266
- fix error if field does not have content by @hudajkhan in #3272
- Add bootstrap 5 markup to tag form by @corylown in #3275
- Set private label text color to black by @corylown in #3276
- Adjust browse search box and clear button to look right and work in BS4 and BS5 by @corylown in #3278
- Set items-block class on uploadeditems block widget so layout is correct in Bootstrap 5 by @corylown in #3277
- add alt-text dashboard by @dnoneill in #3264
- fix published label alignment, remove second label for checkbox by @dnoneill in #3279
- Fix edit browse category radio button form layout for BS5 by @corylown in #3285
- Set width auto on uploaded item text block so it wraps around images.… by @corylown in #3287
- allow for no items, no alt_text in model by @dnoneill in #3295
- Namespace reference to exhibit_alt_text_path by @corylown in #3294
- add alt-text spec by @dnoneill in #3286
- add type column to metadata table by @dnoneill in #3299
- Change wrapping tag on honeypot field by @taylor-steve in #3297
- Fix "Add another value" button styling by @taylor-steve in #3306
- make input-group-append work with bs4 and bs5 by @dnoneill in #3305
- Set bg-light on card to fix border by @corylown in #3308
- account for mixed sirtrevor widget pages by @dnoneill in #3310
- Remove redundant aria roles from semantic HTML elements by @corylown in #3312
- redesign thumbnails for accessibility by @dnoneill in #3307
- Update generators to handle Blacklight 8.7.0 by @taylor-steve in #3315
- Add missing quote to fix "View larger" checkbox by @corylown in #3317
- have totals in dashboard be for all items by @dnoneill in #3316
- Improve semantic markup of breadcrumbs. by @jcoyne in #3319
- Remove unnecessary exhibit-card variables by @jcoyne in #3321
- Extract the HeaderNavigationLinkComponent by @jcoyne in #3324
- Prefer docker for starting solr by @jcoyne in #3209
- fix card bg on hover by @dnoneill in #3330
- Apply bootstrap classes without requiring SASS by @jcoyne in #3328
- Add new rubocop rules and fix by @jcoyne in #3331
- Default chrome fix specs by @corylown in #3337
- Downgrade theme missing message to a debug by @jcoyne in #3340
- Fix float attempt on flex item by @jcoyne in #3338
- Remove empty sass file by @jcoyne in #3341
- Permit paper_trail v16 to be used by @jcoyne in #3342
- Remove "position: relative" from .handle-wrap to fix handle display by @corylown in #3336
- Add namespace to the exhibit_root_url helper by @taylor-steve in #3343
- add exhibit path to form by @dnoneill in #3348
- Extract BulkActionsComponent by @jcoyne in #3347
- Allow running on acts-as-taggable-on v12 by @jcoyne in #3351
- Change Sir Trevor H1 icon to H by @taylor-steve in #3352
- Set imagePath for Leaflet by @taylor-steve in #3333
- Extract SaveSearchComponent by @jcoyne in #3346
- Extract Translations::SubheadingComponent by @jcoyne in #3329
- Change style on browse thubmnail design hover by @jcoyne in #3344
- Test on Rails 8 by @jcoyne in #3332
- Set a higher default_max_wait_time for CI by @jcoyne in #3366
- Remove unused stub by @jcoyne in #3367
- Avoid unnecessarily using sleep in Capybara specs by @jcoyne in #3365
- Simplify capybara wait time helper by @jcoyne in #3364
- Drop support of Bootstrap 4 by @jcoyne in #3370
- Add classes to the markup by @jcoyne in #3371
- Extract a TitleComponent by @jcoyne in #3372
- Increase reliability of Sir Trevor feature tests by @taylor-steve in #3353
- Run the OpenSeadragon rails installer by @jcoyne in #3378
- Use 'yarn link' in the test app by @taylor-steve in #3381
- Enable selection of image area for non-embed item widgets (other than uploaded item) by @hudajkhan in #3350
- Remove unused content block 'masthead_navbar' by @jcoyne in #3376
- Use the blacklight style for skip links by @jcoyne in #3383
- Add a view component for tagging, replacing bootstrap-tagsinput by @taylor-steve in #3078
- fix double click bug by @dnoneill in #3391
- Use bootstrap for reveal/collapse contact form by @jcoyne in #3379
- have header title/subtitle link to home page by @dnoneill in #3388
- Bump alpine and ruby version in Dockerfile by @jcoyne in #3394
- Run Rubocop autocorrect by @taylor-steve in #3401
- remove vestigial bootstrap 4 attributes by @jcoyne in #3393
- change tab order to be more accessible by @dnoneill in #3405
- Update rspec cop name by @corylown in #3410
- Pin Solr to 9.7 until we can fix issues related to Solr 9.8 by @corylown in #3414
- Browse hover main by @corylown in #3409
- Disable turbo for browse category edit form by @taylor-steve in #3413
- Set SOLR_MODULES for Solr 9.8 support by @corylown in #3417
- Give a more descriptive name to a method by @jcoyne in #3408
- Include the csrf-token when deleting locks by @taylor-steve in #3419
- Fix Tags index markup by @taylor-steve in #3422
- Initialize nestable form weights by @taylor-steve in #3421
- fix long exhibit title display by @dnoneill in #3420
- Disable rspec monkeypatching by @jcoyne in #3407
- Test on ruby 3.4 by @jcoyne in #3395
- Remove copy of openseadragon-rails styles by @taylor-steve in #3423
- Remove Blacklight icon style by @taylor-steve in #3424
- Remove background color on contact error by @taylor-steve in #3427
- Refactor the exhibit contact delete 404 handler by @taylor-steve in #3426
- Fix duplicate item panel IDs by @taylor-steve in #3432
- Check for less specific error message by @taylor-steve in #3437
- Set leaflet z-index to 950 so it appears behind autocomplete dropdown by @corylown in #3438
- migrate secondary-btns to primary by @dnoneill in #3400
- Add initial main navigation index by @taylor-steve in #3435
- Improve reliability of edit in place test by @taylor-steve in #3439
Full Changelog: v4.3.5...v5.0.0.pre.alpha1