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Resource Scenarios
Curators can add items to an exhibit from the Curation > Items
The exhibit administrator can configure the available options.
Items can be imported from external systems. Community-contributed gems provide prebuilt importing from common data sources:
- https://github.com/sul-dlss/spotlight-iiif-resources (now merged into Spotlight)
- https://github.com/sul-dlss/spotlight-dor-resources (now incorporated into sul-dlss/exhibits)
- https://github.com/jkeck/spotlight-flickr-resources
- https://github.com/cbeer/spotlight-atom
- https://github.com/cbeer/spotlight-import-internet_archive
- https://github.com/harvard-lts/spotlight-oaipmh-resources
Spotlight allows curators to create new exhibit-specific objects with an image, title, and basic descriptive metadata. This configuration allows implementors to use Spotlight without existing data or needing to wire in external indexing processes, and allows curators to build out simple exhibits out-of-the-box.
At this time, uploaded resources must be images (#1071) and are limited to single-image items (#851).
Curators can add exhibit-specific metadata fields from the Curation > Metadata
These fields can be populated on any resource, including manually uploaded resources.
In addition to exhibit-specific custom fields, the Spotlight::Engine
configuration can provide a set of additional fields. Unlike exhibit-specific fields, which map to exhibit-specific field names, the uploaded fields can be mapped to arbitrary fields in the Solr schema. This allows the application maintainer to create some parity between externally indexed resources (so all resources have e.g. the same descriptive metadata field), and some parity across exhibits within an application.
These fields will be automatically added as metadata fields on the search results page.
# Defaults to the blacklight_config.index.title_field:
Spotlight::Engine.config.upload_title_field = nil # OpenStruct.new(...)
Spotlight::Engine.config.upload_fields = [
OpenStruct.new(field_name: :spotlight_upload_description_tesim, label: "Description", form_field_type: :text_area),
OpenStruct.new(field_name: :spotlight_upload_attribution_tesim, label: "Attribution"),
OpenStruct.new(field_name: :spotlight_upload_date_tesim, label: "Date")
# The allowed file extensions for uploading non-repository items.
Spotlight::Engine.config.allowed_upload_extensions = %w(jpg jpeg png)
Spotlight, just as with Blacklight, can be configured to work with an existing Solr index. Spotlight will use Blacklight's CatalogController
configuration to provide the default options available to the curator. Blacklight configuration is discussed in depth on the Blacklight wiki.
Spotlight adds some additional requirements to the Solr schema:
- In order to index exhibit-specific fields, out-of-the-box, Spotlight provides an indexing strategy that uses Atomic Updates. This approach requires specific Solr schema configuration, so note the caveats, limitations and required configuration necessary to use this feature. The rake task
will test if your Solr configuration is configured correctly for Atomic Updates.
Alternatively, if you are unable to use the Atomic Update strategy, your SolrDocument
class must implement a #reindex
method that can update the document in Solr with the exhibit-specific data provided by a #to_solr
- Exhibit-specific fields are generated using a suffix to indicate the expected Solr schema types. These are the default values (which can be overridden in an application initializer):
Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.prefix = "".freeze
Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.boolean_suffix = "_bsi".freeze # boolean, stored, indexed
Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.string_suffix = "_ssim".freeze # string, stored, indexed, multivalued
Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.text_suffix = "_tesim".freeze # text, stored, indexed, multivalued
- Spotlight sends
parameters as part of the search request in order to provide exhibit-specific features (e.g. tags, item visibility). Solr must be configured to respect these parameters (the default).
Another supported resource configuration allows the curator to select resources within the exhibit. To configure this user experience, you need to write some basic Ruby code. First, use the spotlight:scaffold_resource
generator to create the model-view-controller classes.
$ bundle exec rails generate spotlight:scaffold_resource example
Update the generated ExampleResource
model with your custom model behavior and stored attributes:
class ExampleResource < Spotlight::Resource
def self.indexing_pipeline
@indexing_pipeline ||= super.dup.tap do |pipeline|
# your pipeline here...
Update the generated ExampleResource
pipeline with code to convert the resource into a Solr hash, e.g.
class ExampleResource < Spotlight::Resource
def self.indexing_pipeline
@indexing_pipeline ||= super.dup.tap do |pipeline|
# call the to_solr method on the resource, and apply Spotlight's default data
pipeline.transforms = [Spotlight::Etl::Sources::SourceMethodSource(:to_solr)] + pipeline.transforms
def to_solr
# your hash here:
# { }
An instance of the ExampleResource
provides several out-of-the-box attributes:
, the exhibit that this resource belongs to -
, a serialized hash that your application can put arbitrary data into
Update the generated form to add any additional form fields:
<%= form_for([current_exhibit, @resource.becomes(ExampleResource)]) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :values %>
<%= f.submit t('.add_item'), class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
<% end if can? :manage, ExampleResource %>
Finally, add the form to the external_resources_partials in the config/spotlight_initializer.rb
Spotlight::Engine.config.external_resources_partials += ['example_resources/form']
- Blacklight
- Page widgets
- Resource scenarios
- Image sizes
- Queueing backends
- Creating a theme
- Configure S3 data storage
- Translations and Internationalization
- Adding new navigation menu items
Case studies
Building an exhibit
- Quickstart guide
- Configuration settings
- Adding and managing items
- Creating feature pages
- Creating about pages
- Creating browse categories
- Exhibit on exhibits - Stanford specific, yet generalizable