Releases: propbank/propbank-frames
Releases · propbank/propbank-frames
Frames for Unification full data release
Frames for the actual Propbank "unification" release
Changes since the pre-release (3.1-beta-1):
- QC improvements (stricter DTD and other QC scripts) led to many minor frame file tweaks, mostly for roles and examples that did not have valid arguments.
- aliases for light verbs added, with "pos" field of "l", for all common light verbs in English that had a clean mapping to existing PB rolesets.
Changes since 2.1.5:
Unified Frames for Ontonotes Re-release
These are the frames that will correspond to the new Ontonotes re-release.
OntoNotes Release 5 frames
These are the frames corresponding to OntoNotes Release 5.