This game is part of a Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree. This game uses the aquired knowledge on the course to built a classic memory game app who is capable to interact with a real player.
These instructions will get you a copy of the game up and running on your local machine.
To run this web game you just need a web browser like these:
Fallow this two steps bellow to get the repository and run it:
- clone this repository whit:
$ git clone
- Run the .html file from source.
In this classic memory game you needs to find two equal cards in sequence.
- choose a card from the game and clicked it
- choose a second card and clicked it
- if they match: Well done ! ; if not : try again.
- continue like this until you match all the cards
Your goal while playing to this Memory Game is to matched all the cards together in a minimum of time and with a minimum of moves.
- Philipe Saviott - psaviott