Based on Ryan Bates' excellent Dot Files repository.
The rake installer has been removed (and therefore the dependency on Ruby) and replaced with a bash install script
. Most of the important Vim modules are now git submodules, pointing to the author's repo, and pathogen is now used as the module/bundle manager. Lots of good bash and zsh aliases and helper functions (thanks to Ryan and others).
git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
git submodule init
git submodule update
(Note - for future submodule updates call...)
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
Then edit your .bashrc file to include the following..
source ~/.bash/aliases
source ~/.bash/completions
source ~/.bash/paths
source ~/.bash/config
source ~/.bash/functions/utils
if [ -f ~/.localrc ]; then
. ~/.localrc
And if you want Wayne E. Seguin's excellent Bash shell prompt (see below links)...
[[ -s "$HOME/.dotfiles/bash/functions/ps1_functions" ]] && source "$HOME/.dotfiles/bash/functions/ps1_functions"
ps1_set --prompt ∴
Ryan was running on Mac OS X and using zsh, whereas this repo has been created on both Mac OS X and Ubuntu under bash.
See the basrc_sample script - which can be copied to your own .bashrc file.
See Ryan's original feature notes at
Nice PS1 prompt from Wayne E. Seguin of RVM fame which can be found in the contrib section of RVM. A copy of the function is also in the bash/functions directory - so that it can be sourced without RVM is installed.
The Bitstream Vera Sans Mono fonts are also included in the repo:
You'll need to update your .gvimrc
accordingly if you choose not to use Vera Sans Mono.
My ultimate Vim color theme, daring-dark.vim is now vim and gvim matched.
Note: Use iTerm, or MacVim under Mac OS X. The default is crippled.
Also contains my cleaned-up Vim config and plugins.