本仓库master分支用到了unity package的能力,因此仅支持Unity2018+。如您在使用5.5和2017,请查看1.2.x或1.0.x分支(或点此下载zip)
code of PuerTSprojects/0_Basic_Demo
most basic sample | 最基础的Demo示例projects/1_Start_Template
demo with some useful editor feature. could be use as a starter template | 一些很有用的编辑器功能演示,甚至可用于作为你的项目启动模板
git clone https://github.com/chexiongsheng/puerts_unity_demo.git
The followed content are all come from community. PuerTS will collect superior content to fill these list. But we recommend you to share your content by submitting a [![PR's Welcome][pr-welcoming-image]][pr-welcoming-url]. 下列内容都来自于社区,PuerTS会不定时搜集优秀内容填进下面的列表,但更希望您通过[![PR's Welcome][pr-welcoming-image]][pr-welcoming-url]的方式将您东西分享出来。
Samples or Frameworks | 例子或者二次封装框架 | Author | repo | type | star | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | @Justin-sky | https://github.com/Justin-sky/Nice-TS | Framework | 250+ | | @Geequlim | https://github.com/Geequlim/puerts-starter-kit | Framework | 80+ | | @zombieyang | https://github.com/zombieyang/puerts_unity_webgl_demo | Samples | 30+ | | @throw-out | https://github.com/throw-out/PerformanceTesting | Samples | | | @DOSexample | https://github.com/DOSexample/puerts_unity_demo | Samples | |
Tutorial in video or article | 优秀文字/视频教程: | Author | title | url | | --- | --- | --- | | @NowPaper | Unity TypeScript 脚本解决方案 Puerts 实例解析快速上手 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13v411g7sV | | @ustin-sky | Puerts中使用protobuf | https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/205342984 |