You Can Found Various Exploits that are used for practice and Gain experience on PenTesting Methodologies
Python based fuzzing scripts and exploits.That are used to leverage an remote buffer overflow vulnerability in the syncbreeze 10.0.28 application.
Download Syncbreeze enterprise from exploit db
Install it in your local windows 32 bit machine
Run the application and setup a local web server on port 80
Then login to your kali machine and then connect to local server setup on port 80 using kalis firefox
Try to capture POST http packets and examine it with the given scripts.
Install immunity debugger on windows machine and then run it as administrator.
Open the syncbreeze enterprise application and press F9 for execution ,observe the EIP register values.
Update the ip adress details with your machine IP
Run the script using kali terminal or vscode.
Check wheter the EIP register changed or not we wil observe that the syncbreeze application is stopped or crashed and you can see that the stack gets overflowed with A's.
After sucessful overflow now we have to know what characters are landing in EIP register.
Then enter the code in script and run the script again