Operators use several tools to perform internal security assessments. These tools can be difficult to track remotely and have output that is time sensitive. The tool rnotify tries to solve this problem. Some example use cases are listed below:
- Monitor hashcat process and notify when cracking job is completed
- Monitor folder for hashes captured using Responder
- Monitor and notify on computer account creation when using mitm6 and ntlmrelayx
- Notify when password spraying job completes
Following a change to the monitoried object, the tool can then notify using a webhook for the following communication platforms:
- Slack
- MS Teams
- Discord
The project can be installed using pipx:
pipx install rnotify
The tool is only useable on Unix based operating systems. The utility can be called using the command rnotify
or rn
and can monitor:
- File changes
- New files added to a folder
- Process exit (PID)
Notify on arbitrary filesystem events and process state changes.
--help Show this message and exit.
file Notify on file changes
folder Notify on directory changes
pid Notify on process changes
All modules require the specificiation of the following options:
- Webhook URL used for notifications
- Notification provider associated with the provided webhook
- Target to monitor (file, folder, pid)
All modules optionally allow the specification of the following options:
- Daemonization of the utility to run rnotify in the background
- Sleep interval used by tool when checking for changes
- Configuration file in the format shown below
webhook = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
target = '/tmp/screen.log'
notifier = 'slack'
create_daemon = 'True'
File changes can be monitored using the file
Usage: rn file [OPTIONS] TARGET
Notify on file changes
-w, --webhook TEXT Webhook URL [required]
-n, --notifier [teams|slack|discord]
Notification provider. [required]
-f, --filter TEXT Filter changes by string.
-s, --sleep INTEGER Sleep time between checks [default: 5]
-d, --daemon Daemonize the utility
--config FILE Read configuration from FILE.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Changes to logfiles can be filtered using the -f
Folder changes can be monitored using the folder
Usage: rn folder [OPTIONS] TARGET
Notify on directory changes
-w, --webhook TEXT Webhook URL [required]
-d, --daemon Daemonize the utility
-n, --notifier [teams|slack|discord]
Notification provider. [required]
-s, --sleep INTEGER Sleep time between checks [default: 5]
--config FILE Read configuration from FILE.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Process exits can be monitored using the pid
Usage: rn pid [OPTIONS] TARGET
Notify on process changes
-w, --webhook TEXT Webhook URL [required]
-n, --notifier [teams|slack|discord]
Notification provider. [required]
-s, --sleep INTEGER Sleep time between checks [default: 5]
-d, --daemon Daemonize the utility
--config FILE Read configuration from FILE.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Watch Responder logs folder in the foreground:
rn folder /opt/Responder/logs -w https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -n slack
Watch for hashcat process to stop in the background:
rn pid 54782 -w https://hooks.teams.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -n teams -d
Watch for changes to gnu screen log with a filter in the foreground:
rn file /top/screen.log -f Account -w https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -n slack