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This is the code for the site at  It includes
the shinx template, theme, and art but little of its actual content.
The real documentation content is mostly on the python microscope

## Building

There is a `Makefile` to simplify things.  Most likely, you will want
to do:

    make clean
    make html
    make server

## Update python-microscope submodule

Most of the website content is actually the docs that are part of the
microscope package itself.  That package is developed on a separate
repo and is used here through the pain of [git

By default, git pull will not automatically pull changes to the
submodules.  You may see references to "Submodules changed but not
updated" in te output of `git status`.  If you pull the main
repository, you will also need to run `git submodule update`.
Alternatively, set git to do this automatically on this repo with:

    git config pull.submodule.recurse true

If you want to update the version of Microscope that is being used to
build the website:

    git checkout main
    cd src
    git pull --ff-only origin master
    cd ..
    git commit -m 'src: update python-microscope submodule' src/

## Deployment

The live website is deployed from the `netlify` branch with Netlify.
The deployment is not automatic to avoid going over the free tier
limits.  David needs to trigger it manually so ask him if you want to
update the website.

## Inspiration

This site is heavily based on the site by The GTK Team which
is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Public License.