diffsims 0.4.0
diffsims is an open source library focussed on the simulation of diffraction patterns. This minor release adds a range of new features and makes some improvements to the clarity of the API. For a full list of changes please see the CHANGELOG. Please be aware that the code remains in active development and updating to this version may break existing pipelines.
Release Highlights
1 - Improvements to the kinematical simulation of patterns
Diffsims now supports simulating patterns with precession (#137) as well as a variety of shape factors (#137) - including the option for users to define their own. This release also adds both a route to easier plotting of simulations (#150) and a detector module to allow for noise to be included (#143).
2 - Enhancements to the library generation workflow
Generating diffraction libraries (most often used for template matching) has been improved in a number of ways. The API has been reorganised (#137) so that parameters appear in more natural places within a workflow. Diffsims now also provides spherical mesh generation (#130), which produces an efficient sampling of the rotational subspace.