Welcome to the Build Project Documentation repository. This README serves as a content table to easily navigate through the various documentation and guides related to the project. Each week's tasks, learning materials, and project guides are organized into separate markdown files for clarity and ease of access.
Thank you for participating in this project with me. Let's create something amazing together!
- Slides
- [Materials for students folder] (https://openavenuesfoundation.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/fellows/Shared%20Documents/4-%20Build%20Projects/Build%20Fellows%20Workspace/Pavel%20Tarasenko/BP%20-%20July,%202024%20-%20Workspace%20with%20students?csf=1&web=1&e=CBDPts)
- [Link to book meeting with project leader] (https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/[email protected]?anonymous&ep=pcard)
- Project leader email: [email protected]
- Students Repos
- Adrian Xavier Erfe
- Sheikh Arian
- Sulaiman Alam
- Tanvir Islam
- Xinru Yu
- Yuri Santos