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Hi! So, this is my set of config files (for Vim, Tmux, Bash, and Git) for when I need to be using a new computer or when I want people to try vim because I love vim (wow, did you know?).

Feel free to use any/all of these, or parts of them as needed. It might be useful to just take the parts you need, and add whatever I'm missing. I got a handful of stuff for vim/tmux from when I worked at Braintree here (thanks Braintree).

On that note, you can find more useful plugins here: Vim Awesome.

This is what my vim/tmux/bash looks like:




Honestly, I've changed this so much over the years that I can't really remember what it is that I added anymore... but here's a list of the stuff I do remember:

  • Allows wrapping around to next line
  • Mouse mode (scrolling, clicking)
  • Line numbers
  • Language specific tabs/spaces
  • Color scheme: Monokai. You can change this line in the .vimrc :colorscheme [color scheme name] to update it.
  • F7 for autoformat C/C++ code


  • I used the Vundle plugin manager, just because it was easy to use... there's a few different ones you can use instead if you want.
  • This lets you include new plugins by just writing Plugin [github username/repo name] in your vimrc.
  • install with :PluginInstall.
  • uninstall by deleting and running :PluginClean.
NERD Tree - the file explorer:
\nt - open/close NERD Tree
\nf - reveal current file in NERD Tree
\nr - refresh contents of NERD Tree (can also use r or R to refresh a folder)
? - in NERD Tree to see all shortcuts
CtrlP - Fuzzy finder:

This is so much better than using the file explorer when you need to search through a ton of files.

\ff - find a file
TComment - Commenting:
gcc - toggle comments on the current line
\cc - toggle comments
Fugitive - Git wrapper
:Gstatus - git status
:Gblame - git blame

...amongst a bunch of other things
  • Auto closes parens, quotes etc
  • Customizable tab bar thingy
Devicons - icons
  • You can comment out line 40 Plugin ryanoasis/vim-devicons if you don't want to deal with installing the font for the icons. They're cute though. But unnecessary.


  • Here's a handy tmux cheatsheet. I'm just listing the things I changed:

  • I changed the prefix to Ctrl + a instead of the default Ctrl + b because... a is closer than b. prefix will stand for Ctrl + a

  • Mouse mode is on, so you can drag panes with mouse, or click to a different window

prefix + | - split pane vertically

prefix + v - split pane vertically

prefix + - - split pane horizontally

prefix + s - split pane horizontally

Alt/Option + [arrow key] - switch panes without needing prefix

prefix + r - reload tmux config file


  • I used TPM: as the plugin manager:
  • Add new plugin to ~/.tmux.conf with set -g @plugin [pluginname]
  • Install plugins with prefix + I (capital i).
  • Uninstall by removing plugin from ~/.tmux.conf and pressing prefix + alt/option + u
  • The theme I use works well with a dark background, you should probably change it/uninstall this plugin if you have a light background.


  • Includes what git branch you are in if you're in a git repo


  • Includes some git aliases


If you decide to use this :')

Clone repo!

git clone [destination]

And copy over whichever of these files you want to your root directory.


  1. Install Vundle by running:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  1. Install Monokai color scheme:
# create directory for vim colors if it does not already exist
mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors

And then download the colors/monokai.vim file from the repo to ~/.vim/colors.

  1. Follow directions here to install Nerd font. You might need to change things depending on what terminal you use? I use iterm2.
  2. Follow directions here to install YouCompleteMe at your own risk, or just leave it commented out.
  3. Open your vimrc file in vim: vim ~/.vimrc.
  4. Run the command: :PluginInstall.
  5. Yay everything should be good to go for vim!


  1. Make sure you have tmux installed. You can run the command tmux to check. If it's not installed... install it. :)
  2. Clone Tmux Plugin Manager: git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  3. Open a tmux session: tmux
  4. Run this command to load your tmux config file: tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf.
  5. Press prefix + I (capital i) to fetch the plugin.
  6. Yay tmux works too!


Config files to make life easier






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