This a personal leetcode,hiho, kikstart problem solving and paper work repository
After work like a year, I am thinking my objective is cloud computing, focusing on storage, buildout, deployment.
It is a little bit difference from compus hire, so tring to record here
- the google book resume pdf
- refer to this
- use fiverr find someone whose background is HR and revisit your resume(needs pay)
Search in google about picture of "resume-software engineer" to get a idea what a social hire resume should be like
and some links here
- course
- Book
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Programming Interview Exposed
- Leetcode(参考:6个月的时间,一共刷了800道题,大部分常考题大概平均每道题刷了5遍左右。)
- System design
- grokking the system interview当零散时间的反复温习(needs pay)
- 主攻design data intensive application[DDIA], 反复认真读了3遍,
- 然后去youtubu自己看cmu 15721,高级数据库的课程
- other resources
- maybe mit 6.824
- make a story of your experiences.
- what is the project
- why this project exist
- what you have done in this project, what's the contribution and how you did this.
- what you learn from this project
- what technoledge you have used
- what is this tech and why you use it
- are there any competors and why you choose this one, pro and cons.
- project of open source
- salary negotiation
- complete linkln
- glassdoor for infos
New TODO here
-----------------------------------Below are compus hire records ------------------------------------------------
catagory | comment or blog | src |
最长公共子序列 | DP | click |
快速幂 | bits | click |
浮点数幂,开方实现 | 扩展 | 待写 |
判断括号合法性 | 如果我们从前到后遍历,左括号可以暂时多于右括号,但不可以少于,每次成功闭合一对括号把数量 - 1 ,得到负数说明不平衡 | 待写 |
背包问题 | 背包问题九讲和记录不同的背包问题 | 待写 |
catagory | comment or blog | src |
Network | click | |
Operating System | click | |
C++ | click | |
Graphics | click |
peoblems | comment or blog | src |
singleton | C-plus-plus-In-Theory-The-Singleton-Pattern | click |
最长公共子序列,hiho一下1 | 写的很棒,图很好,Manacher 算法 | click |
kmp,hiho一下3 | click | |
Trie图,AC自动机,hiho一下4 | click |
Company | comment or blog | link |
Google_intern | click | |
Tencent_intern | click | |
TouTiao_intern | click | |
大摩 | click | |
阿里 | click |