3ET is an event-based eye-tracking dataset to facilitate the download!
If you find this repo helpful, please cite our paper. This is the archived version and the BioCAS proceeding version will follow.
author={Chen, Qinyu and Wang, Zuowen and Liu, Shih-Chii and Gao, Chang},
booktitle={2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)},
title={3ET: Efficient Event-based Eye Tracking using a Change-Based ConvLSTM Network},
This repo introduces you to how to perform pupil detection using event stream from event-based cameras. Here is our paper: 3ET: Efficient Event-based Eye Tracking using a Change-Based ConvLSTM Network, which was published at BioCAS 2023. The arxiv version: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.11771.pdf
Synthetic Event-based Eye Tracking dataset link (event frame): Google Drive
Synthetic Event-based Eye Tracking dataset link (event raw data and .avi video files): Google Drive
Run steps:
Download the SEET dataset, and save it in a directory. i.e. /DATA/
cd eyetracking-convlstm
run process_event.py
you can change the sequence length by setting the parameter seq
run convlstm-et-pytorch-event.py
Results: x, y coordinates of pupil center predictions after 28 epochs of training
Original LPW dataset (not event-based dataset)οΌ https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/computer-vision-and-machine-learning/research/gaze-based-human-computer-interaction/labelled-pupils-in-the-wild-lpw
We support using the Tonic library to automatically download the 3ET dataset and load the raw events and labels.
The Tonic library is a Python library for loading and processing event-based data. It is available at GitHub Repo
To install the Tonic library branch which includes the 3ET dataset loader, run the following command:
pip install tonic --pre
A minimum working example of loading the 3ET dataset is shown below:
import tonic
trainset = tonic.datasets.ThreeET_Eyetracking(save_to="./data", split='Train')
events, targets = next(iter(trainset))