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Sketch MeaXure

Thanks @utom for his great work, Sketch Measure is really a life saver when I share design specifications to co-workers. But it lack of maintenance in recent year, that's why I start this project.

Sketch MeaXure is a re-implemention of Sketch Measure with TypeScript, uses Sketch JavaScript API.

It aims to be:

  1. More stable, not likely to break down after Sketch update.
  2. Easy to maintain.


Improvements that users can recognize:

  1. Fully works with lastest version of Sketch (v66).
  2. The latest Tint feature support.
  3. Easily resize markers, without concerns to break them. (The resizing constrain feature).
  4. Export directly with Anima stacks activated.
  5. Customize the order of exported artboards.
  6. Better display of text fragments.
  7. Re-organize functions and panels.


If you encounter problems managing (toggle hidden/locked, remove, and export) markers created by Sketch Measure, run the menu Plugin - Sketch MeaXure - Help - Rename Old Markers.


  • Download the latest release of the plugin
  • Un-zip
  • Double-click on Sketch-Meaxure.sketchplugin

Development Guide

  1. Delete the package-lock.json file.

  2. Node version requirements (Note: Use this specific Node version to avoid dependency installation errors):

nvm use 16.14.2

node -v   
  1. Set npm registry to npm (You MUST install dependencies using the following command to avoid errors):
npm install --ignore-scripts

Plugin Build

npm run start 
npm run build