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qore-vscode is an extension for Visual Studio Code adding Qore language support.

Version 0.8.4 (2023-11-18)

  • fixed bugs when there were UNIX socket files in directories to be scanned

Version 0.8.3 (2023-11-15)

  • fixed bugs in the Qore Language Server when there are unreadable files in the directory to be scanned

Version 0.8.2 (2023-06-26)

  • (Really) fixed the bug where the extension reported that Qore was not available when installed manually by updating to use the latest internal VSCode APIs

Version 0.8.1 (2023-06-06)

  • Updated the module to use a Qore package build for macOS Catalina for x86_64 for maximum backwards compatibility

Version 0.8.0 (2023-05-25)

  • Fixed a bug where the extension reported that Qore was not available when installed manually
  • Updated Qore packages to use v1.16.0

Version 0.7.7 (2022-05-10)

  • Updated qls to avoid warnings with newer versions of Qore

Version 0.7.6 (2022-05-10)

  • Added Qore language icon to all associated Qore files


Qore 0.9.3+ has to be installed, including the qdbg-vsc-adapter, for all the functionality including the debugging support to work.

Qore 0.8.13+ has to be installed, including the astparser and json modules, for all the functionality to work except the debugging.

On Windows and macOS, if you don't have Qore installed, a warning message will be shown when the extension is activated asking you if you want to download the Qore VSCode package. If you select "Yes", a Qore package will be downloaded and installed into the extension directory. This will provide Qore and necessary modules for the Qore Language Server to run.


This extension adds support for the following:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Hover info
  • Goto definition
  • Find references
  • Document symbol search
  • Workspace symbol search
  • Syntax error reporting
  • Debbuger, requires Qore 0.9.3+ with qdbg-vsc-adapter

Most of the features (except syntax highlighting) are provided by QLS (Qore Language Server). In order for QLS to function properly you need to have Qore 0.8.13+ installed on your system, including the astparser and json modules.

QLS Logging

If you want to log output of QLS, you can use the following configuration settings:

  • qore.useQLS Boolean flag to turn on/off usage of QLS for providing Qore code information. [default=true]
  • qore.logging Boolean flag to set logging on or off. [default=false]
  • qore.logFile String specifying QLS log file path. If logging is turned on, all the operations will be logged to this file. If not defined, ~/.qls.log is used on Unix-like systems and %AppData%\QLS\qls.log on Windows.
  • qore.logVerbosity Verbosity of QLS logging. From 0 to 2. [default=0]
  • qore.appendToLog Boolean flag specifying whether to append to QLS log file or to overwrite it on each restart. [default=true]


The sessions are configured in launch.json file referenced from Debug view. The extension implements qore debugging type. Debugger can execute Qore script in local debug host or attach to a remote qdbg-server host.

In the first case the request value is launch and program specifies Qore script filename. In latter case the request value is attach and connection specifies URL to connect to and program is program name to be debugged.

Note that VSCode macros and commands are expanded. The extension implements ${command:AskForFilename} for launch case and ${command:AskForConnection}, ${command:AskForProgram} for attach case to specify value when debugging session is started.

To start debugging prepare launch file, select a configuration from drop-down menu and click Start debugging. When specified program is executed the extension is notified, the program interrupted and then user can start stepping the code, inspecting stack, variables, etc. To leave program stepping press F5.

The launch file data structure is explained by the following example:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "qore",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Ask for file name",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/${command:AskForFilename}"
            "type": "qore",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "Ask for conection and program",
            "connection": "${command:AskForConnection}",
            "program": "${command:AskForProgram}"
            "type": "qore",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch test-basic.q",
            "program": "test-basic.q",
            "type": "qore",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "Attach test-program",
            "connection": "ws://localhost:8001",
            "program": "test-program",