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A command line utility to work with Kerberos ticket caches (MIT format)


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kutil is a command line utility to work with Kerberos ticket cache files (MIT format). It supports different operations like merging, splitting and modifying ticket caches. A detailed list of all supported operations can be found in the operations section.

Table of Contents


kutil can be build and installed as a pip package. The following command installs kutil for your current user profile:

$ pip3 install kutil

You can also build kutil from source and install it directly by using the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd kutil
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 sdist
$ pip3 install dist/*

Additionally, kutil ships a bash-completion script. The completion script is installed automatically, but relies on the completion-helpers package. If completion-helpers is already installed, autocompletion for kutil should work after installing the pip package. Otherwise, you may need to copy the completion script manually:

$ cp kutil/resources/bash_completion.d/kutil ~/.bash_completion.d

Supported Operations

$ kutil --help
usage: kutil [-h] [--aes-user username] [--aes-realm realm] [--aes-host hostname] [-c] [-d principal] [--delete index] [--decrypt key] [--hash password] [-i number] [-l] [-m path] [-o path] [-p PRINCIPAL]
             [--prefix PREFIX] [-r REALM] [-s SERVICE] [--spn SPN] [--split] [-t TARGET]

kutil is a command line utility to work with Kerberos ticket cache files (MIT format). It can be used to merge different Kerberos tickets into a single ticket cache, to split or delete credentials from a ticket
cache or to modify the unencrypted portions of an existing ticket.

positional arguments:
  ticket                Kerberos ticket to operate on (default: /tmp/krb5cc_1000)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --aes-user username   username for AES hash generation
  --aes-realm realm     realm for AES hash generation
  --aes-host hostname   hostname for AES hash generation
  -c, --clear           clear duplicate credentials
  -d principal, --default principal
                        update default principal of ccache
  --delete index        delete credential with specified index
  --decrypt key         decrypt credential selected by index
  --hash password       generate hashes for specified password
  -i number, --index number
                        ticket index for updates (default: 0)
  -l, --list            list ticket contents
  -m path, --merge path
                        merge specified ticket into main ticket (can be used multiple times)
  -o path, --out path   filename of the output ticket (default: ticket param)
  -p PRINCIPAL, --principal PRINCIPAL
                        update principal of credential selected by index
  --prefix PREFIX       filename prefix for split operation (default: cc_split_)
  -r REALM, --realm REALM
                        update the target realm of credential selected by index
  -s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
                        update service type (e.g. HTTP) of credential selected by index
  --spn SPN             update service SPN (e.g. service/target@realm) of credential slected by index
  --split               split ticket cache into seperate tickets
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        update target server of credential selected by index

Credential Modifications

Operations that modify credentials stored inside a Kerberos ticket cache.

Change Principal

Changes the client principal for the credential specified by --index (default 0):

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --principal [email protected]
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating principal of credential with index 0
[+]     Old principal: '[email protected]'
[+]     New principal: '[email protected]'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	for client [email protected], renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Change Realm

Changes the realm of the server principal for the credential specified by --index (default 0):

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --realm MODIFIED.LAB
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating realm of credential with index 0
[+]     Old realm: 'EXAMPLE.LAB'
[+]     New realm: 'MODIFIED.LAB'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Change Service

Changes the service type of the server principal for the credential specified by --index (default 0):

$ klist 
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --service LDAP
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating service of credential with index 0
[+]     Old service: 'http'
[+]     New service: 'LDAP'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Change SPN

Changes the target SPN of a credential specified by --index (default 0). This is basically an alternative to the --realm, --service and --target parameters where you can specify all options in one.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --spn LDAP/[email protected]
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating SPN of credential with index 0
[+]     Old SPN: 'http/[email protected]'
[+]     New SPN: 'LDAP/[email protected]'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Change Target

Change the target host of the server principal in the credential specified by --index (default 0):

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --target dev02.example.lab
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating target of credential with index 0
[+]     Old target: 'dev01.example.lab'
[+]     New target: 'dev02.example.lab'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40

Ticket Cache Modifications

Operations that modify the Kerberos ticket cache.

Clear Duplicates

Clears duplicate tickets from the ticket cache.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --clear
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Removing duplicate credentials from '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
[+] 1 duplicate credentials removed.
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Change Default Principal

Changes the default principal of a ticket cache.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --default [email protected]
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating default principal.
[+]     Old default principal: '[email protected]'
[+]     New default principal: '[email protected]'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	for client [email protected], renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Delete Credential

Deletes a credential from the cache specified by an index.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --delete 1
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Deleting credential with index 1.
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Merge Ticket Caches

Merges different Kerberos ticket caches.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --merge administrator.ccache 
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Kerberos ticket cache 'administrator.ccache' loaded.
[+] Adding 1 credential(s) to '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
Split Ticket Caches

Split credentials of a Kerberos ticket cache into separate files.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  LDAP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --split
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Splitting /tmp/krb5cc_1000 into 2 separate tickets.
[+] Ticket cc_split_1 created.
[+] Ticket cc_split_2 created.


Other functions that can be useful when working with Kerberos tickets.

Decrypt Credential

Decrypts the credential specified by the --index parameter (default 0). Requires the Kerberos hash for the corresponding credential.

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil --decrypt 139a228822914d0d20e13920b219121
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] PAC Info Buffer:
[+]     ulType: 1
[+]     cbBufferSize: 456 bytes
[+]     Offset: 72 bytes
[+] Authorization Data:
[+]     CommonHeader:                   
Hash Password

Computes Kerberos password hashes (NTLM, AES128, AES256) of the specified password. This can be useful for the decrypt operation, as it requires the hashed password for a credential.

$ kutil --hash password
[+] Generating hashes...
[+]    NTLM		: 8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C
[-] Notice: --aes-user or --aes-host and --aes-realm need to be supplied for AES hash calculation.

For computing AES hashes a username or computername and the corresponding realm are required:

$ kutil --hash password --aes-user smeyer --aes-realm example.lab
[+] Generating hashes...
[+]    NTLM		    : 8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C
[+]    AES 128		: 8266333A9E151D16FAE6AD5AEF0DEF4D
[+]    AES 256		: 608504D6D78351369EAC5D9AB7B2F90D0BC2EA451C8BF76C91D3CA716D9F7887
List Ticket Cache

List contents of the ticket cache.

$ kutil --list
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Primary Principal: b'[email protected]'
[+] Credentials: 
[+] [0]
[+] 	Client: b'[email protected]'
[+] 	Server: b'http/[email protected]'
[+] 	Key: (0x17)b'6c4f65644771724c416767427743454e'
[+] 	Times: 
[+] 		Auth : 2020-07-24T07:00:40
[+] 		Start: 2020-07-24T07:00:40
[+] 		End  : 2030-07-22T07:00:40
[+] 		Renew: 2030-07-22T07:00:40
[+] 	SubKey: 0
[+] 	Flags: 0x50a00000
[+] 	Addresses: 0
[+] 	Auth Data: 0
[+] 	Ticket: b'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'
[+] 	Second Ticket: b''

Why Modifying Tickets

A legitimate question is why it should be useful to modify the unencrypted portions of Kerberos tickets? Actually, this was the initial functionality of kutil and the other functions were build later on. So lets look at a scenario where changing tikcet contents can be useful.

Imagine you encounter an HTTP Server that is configured for Kerberos Authentication and you want to access it with Firefox. Furthermore, let us assume that you have no valid credentials for a domain account, but managed to obtain a service ticket (TGS) for a domain user. Therefore, your ticket cache could look like this:

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  HTTP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40

After configuring Firefox for Kerberos Authentication with the corresponding domain, you will notice that Firefox refuses to use the TGS and tries to access the webserver without authentication. The reason for this behavior is that GSSAPI is quite picky when it comes down to comparing principal names.

By hooking the gss_import_name function, you can verify that Firefox searches for a credential matching the principal name [email protected]. This format is called NT-SRV-HST and does not contain the realm name explicitly (obviously, as Firefox could only guess the actual realm of the domain). The credential inside the ccache, on the other hand, is stored in the NT-SRV-INST format, that contains the realm name explicitly.

The GSSAPI documentation says, that the different principal name types do not matter during credential lookups. However, this is only partially true as the explicit realm from the NT-SRV-INST type seems to conflict with the missing realm in the NT-SRV-HST type. This is the reason why Firefox does not find the corresponding credential and tries to access the webserver unauthenticated.

Solving the issue can be done in different ways. Initiall when I encountered this problem I hooked the gss_import_name function and changed the NT-SRV-HST lookup into the NT-SRV-INST form. However, with kutil where is an easier option. As mentioned above, the only conflicting part between the two different principal name types is the explicit realm definition. By simply removing the realm of the NT-SRV-INST type, Firefox will find the credential. The (probably) easiest solution is therefore:

$ kutil -r ''
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating realm of credential with index 0
[+]     Old realm: 'EXAMPLE.LAB'
[+]     New realm: ''
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  HTTP/dev01.example.lab@
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40

Apart from this very specific example, changing the service type of a ticket can be quite useful. GSSAPI uses case sensitive comparison when looking up credentials. A lookup for HTTP/[email protected] does therefore not find the credential http/[email protected]. This can be annoying, but with kutil it is easy to change:

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  http/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil -s HTTP
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating service of credential with index 0
[+]     Old service: 'http'
[+]     New service: 'HTTP'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  HTTP/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40

Finally, this great article on Kerberos constrained delegation demonstrates that S4U2Self can be quite useful to bypass limitations of Silver Tickets. To utilize this, it is required to change the target host of a S4U2Self ticket. This can, again, be easily done with kutil:

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  cifs/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40
$ kutil -t servicea.example.lab
[+] Kerberos ticket cache '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' loaded.
[+] Updating target of credential with index 0
[+]     Old target: 'serviceA$'
[+]     New target: 'servicea.example.lab'
[+] Saving ticket as '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'.
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/24/20 07:00:40  07/22/30 07:00:40  cifs/[email protected]
	renew until 07/22/30 07:00:40

Modifying Encrypted Ticket Content

As kutil does already implement ticket decryption, one could also think about modifying the encrypted portions of Kerberos tickets. However, once you have credentials for decrypting tickets you could also just generate a new one using Therefore, modifying the encrypted contents seems to be of limited use. That being said, modifying the unencrypted portions seemed also not to be very useful until I encounterd the above described situation. So maybe this will be implemented in future.


kutil does heavily rely on the impacket library. Furthermore, certain portions were copied from other resources on GitHub (see comments in the source code). Thanks to all for sharing your code :)

Copyright 2020, Tobias Neitzel and the kutil contributors.