Project Elixir is another aftermarket AOSP ROM which basically offers minimal UI enhancement & close to Stock Android ROM with great performance, security and stability. Most of the OEMs' these days will provide slow and untimely updates, but we don't do that here. We closely follow Google to bring the latest updates to our users, and even prolong support for devices that have been declared obsolete by OEMs. Our ROMs' source code is open-source, secure, stable, and outstanding. Your experience while using Project Elixir will be butter smooth without compromising the quality of the Android experience. In short, it's perfectly balanced between Great Performance, Security, stability, minimal UI & awesome features including pixel goodies. So do not hesitate anymore, join us now and start enjoying the beauty of stock Android. Build and enjoy Project Elixir on your respective devices!
* This ROM comes only with Gapps Version
* If you want some features you can make Pull Request After Successfully Testing
* Contatct Us for Maintainership in Telegram for faster approch.
You must fulfill the following requirements before applying:
- For adding your device to the list of OFFICIALLY supported devices, you need to contact us on Telegram profiles below with device name and device, vendor, kernel trees.
If you have liked our work and want to support us please consider donating for servers
PAYTM UPI ID : dwarmachine24@paytm
GPAY UPI ID: dwarmachine24@oksbi