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Quorini SDK

This is JS SDK to integrate your Quorini project with web app.

Design and run serverless cloud API

Define your data model visually, and deploy a fully-managed serverless backend in minutes.

Visit for more details.
Visit to start building new project.

Product of the day at ProductHunt

Test project with Live API

Getting Started

Quorini core package
Quorini ui-reack package


npm install @quorini/core
npm install @quorini/ui-react

Configuration of SDK

  1. Go to "Live API".

  2. Navigate to "Tech Docs" tab.

  3. Copy types, queries and mutations and place in you codebase/repository.
    3.1. ./src/quorini-types.d.ts
    3.2. ./src/quorini-queries.ts
    3.3. ./src/quorini-mutations.ts

  4. Inside index.tsx globally configure you SDK integration.
    4.1. projectId can be copied from URL path of "Live API".
    4.2. env (optional) can be "production" or "development". By default, it’s "production".
    4.3. qglPaths (optional) and values are from step 3.

    // index.tsx
    import { QClient } from "@quorini/core"
    import * as queries from './src/quorini-queries'
    import * as mutations from './src/quorini-mutations'
        projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
        env: "YOUR_PROJECT_ENV",
        gqlPaths: {


Option 1: Auth page as a single React UI component

  • Add Authenticator
    👉 Replace CreateUserSignUpSchema with actual mutation from the generated file ./quorini-mutations.ts for the user profile creation form.
    👉 Keep in mind that CreateUserSignUpSchema is only available for user groups with enabled sing-up. Change this in project configuration.

    The QAuth.Provider guarantees that the useAuth hook is available throughout your application.

    // index.tsx
    import { QAuth } from '@quorini/ui-react'
    import '@quorini/ui-react/styles.css'
    import { CreateUserMetadata } from './quorini-mutations.ts'
    const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(
      document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement
          usergroup="User" /* usergroup name be assigned to usergroup. */
          <App />
  • Add useAuth Hook
    React Hook that can be used to access, modify, and update QAuth’s auth state. To use them, you need to render the QAuth after wrapping our application with <QAuth.Provider>

    Then, you can use useAuth on your App:

    // app.tsx
    import { useAuth } from '@quorini/ui-react'
    function App() {
      const { user, logout } = useAuth()
      return (
          <button onClick={logout}>Log out</button>

Option 2 (custom UI): Auth module (for custom auth components implementation)

  • Add Auth Api endpoints
    You can use the api endpoints directly. To use them, you need to import auth APIs from core package.

    // auth.tsx
    import { login, signup, sendInvitation, refreshAuthToken } from '@quorini/core'
    const Auth = () => {
      const submitLogin = () => {
        const user = await login(username, password)
      render() {
        return <form onSubmit={submitLogin}>
          <input placeholder="email" />
          <input placeholder="password" />
          <button type="submit"/>


  • Add use QGql hook

    // index.tsx
    import { QGql } from '@quorini/ui-react'
    const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(
      document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement
            <App />
    // app.tsx
    import { useQGql } from '@quorini/core'
    import { AdminFilterInput, listAdmins, listAdminsResponse, listAdminsVars } from './src/quorini-queries'
    import { createAdmin, createAdminResponse, createAdminVars } from './src/quorini-mutations'
    function App() {
      const { query, mutate } = useQGql()
      // queries examples
      const fetchAdmins = async () => {
        try {
          const response: listAdminsResponse = await query(listAdmins)
          console.log('Fetched Admins:', response)
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching messages:', error)
      const fetchFilterAdmins = async () => {
        try {
          const filter = {
            fullName: { eq: 'SPECIFIC NAME' }
          } as AdminFilterInput
          const response: listAdminsResponse = await query(listAdmins, { filter })
          console.log('Fetched filterd Admins:', response)
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching messages:', error)
      const fetchFilterAdminsWithSelector = async () => {
        try {
          const filter = {
            fullName: { eq: 'SPECIFIC NAME' }
          } as AdminFilterInput
          const response: listAdminsResponse = await query(listAdmins, { filter }, 'email fullName')
          console.log('Fetched specific Admin with selector:', response)
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching messages:', error)
      // mutation example
      const createAdmin = async () => {
        try {
          const input = {
            fullName: "SPECIFIC NAME",
            email: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
          const response: createAdminResponse = await mutate(createAdmin, { input })
          console.log("mutation response", response);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error creation new admin:', error)

Subscriptions module (coming soon)

import { QStream } from "@quorini/core"

const callbackFnEvent = (obj) => { user's code }

QStream.on("event", callbackFnEvent)

QStrema.on("connect", callbackFnConnect)
QStrema.on("close", callbackFnClose)


QStream.subscribe("onObjectCreate", "OPTIONAL_GQL_QUERY_FILTER", "OPTIONAL_SELECTORS")

Storage (coming soon)

  • Public file (e.g. Image)

    import { Storage } from '@quorini/core'
    export function App() {
      return <Storage.Image alt="sleepy-dog" path="public/dog.jpg" />
  • Private or Protected file (e.g. Image)

    import { Storage } from '@quorini/core'
    export function App() {
      return (
          alt="protected dog"
          path={({ identityId }) => `protected/${identityId}/dog.jpg`}
  • Error Handling (e.g. Image)

    import { Storage } from '@quorini/core'
    export function App() {
      return (
          alt="fallback dog"
          onGetUrlError={(error) => console.error(error)}