How To Use • Maven • Credits • License
The idea to create this project came when there was a failure in a huge transaction E2E scenario and to debug the test script, a visual representation of whole process was needed. No doubt there are ways we can achieve this but the problem with all those ways is that one has to keep his/her execution window in focus and cannot use the system. This library helps you use your system while executing tests and recording the same.
This library might not give you perfect results for some websites or application under test. There is still scope for improvement. Please contact the developers for any feedback.
To use this for now just include WebDriverVideoRecorder and dependencies in POM into your project.
Do the following in your test -
//Create instance of WebDriverVideoRecorder by passing WebDriver instance
WebDriverVideoRecorder videoRecorder = new WebDriverVideoRecorder(driver);
//Set Recorder method
//Start recording
//arg1 : path of the video, arg2 : name of the video
videoRecorder.getRecorder().startRecording(oneInstance.getAsString( + "/verifyBasicSearch", "basicSearch");
//To stop recording
Add this library as a maven dependency. TODO
This library uses the following open source packages:
Rakesh's Github @racchouhan12 · Pankaj's Github @PankajRPandey