Just-add-water HTML template with Angular and material design styles to start your web project in a few seconds
Just donwload the zip and run the index.html in your favourite browser. If your are running your webapp in a server, move the delore-angular folder to the server's webroot folder
delore-angular includes the basic stuff to create a webapp with Material Design style and Angular.
- Angular: HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
- Angular Material: AngularJS Material is both a UI Component framework and a reference implementation of Google's Material Design Specification. This project provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components based on Material Design.
- jQuery: jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.
- MaterilizeCSS: CSS Framework based on material design
- ResetCSS: The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on
- Reset-this: The CSS3 keyword initial sets the CSS3 property to the initial value as defined in the spec. The initial keyword has broad browser support except for the IE and Opera Mini families. Since IE's lack of support may cause issue with resetThis you have some of the ways you can reset some CSS properties to their initial values
Frameworks and other libraries
- Angular 1.5.8
- Angular Material 1.1.0
- jQuery 3.2.1
CSS utilities
- MaterializeCSS 0.98.2
- Reset CSS
- Reset this
- Last version of Google Material Icons
- Roboto
- Chrome 35+, Firefox 31+, Safari 7+, IE 10+
- Chrome: (Current - 1) and Current
- Edge: (Current - 1) and Current
- Firefox: (Current - 1) and Current
- Internet Explorer: 9+
- Safari: (Current - 1) and Current
- Opera: Current
- Angular runs an extensive test suite against the following browsers: the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Safari for iOS, as well as Internet Explorer versions 9-11.
Angular Material
- Chrome: 49+
- Edge: 14+
- Firefox: 47+
- Internet Explorer: 11+
- Safari: 9.1+ - Safari Mobile 9.2+
- Opera: 39+
- Android Browser 4.4
- Chrome for Android 51
- AngularJS
- Angular Material
- jQuery
- MaterializeCSS
- ResetCSS
- ResetThis
- Roboto Font
- Google Material Icons
First version relesead. Added latest version of libraries and resources
- v1.0 (2017 May 21th)