Wikipedia Activity Analysis:
This project is a tool to observe Wikipedia articles activity.
The algorithmic part is in python and the visualization part is in javascript.
The result is available at
Algorithmic part:
The jupyter notebook would work in a folder with the following setup
The format for the different edges file (diseases_edges.csv, diseases_edges_big, edges_20c) is "" "rel" ""
with is link source page id, rel is the relation (LINKS_TO or BELONGS_TO) and is link target page id.
The format for normal_pages.pkle is index=id, columns=[article,isRedirect,isNew]. In .ipynb files there is also the code to import it from csv files.
The format for articles.tsv is "article_name"
The format for links.tsv is "linkSource" "linkTarget"
The format for categories is "article_name" "category"
The code takes about ten minutes to run depending on your internet connection