This will serve as supplemental homework for students utilizing the MakeCode Arcade Platform.
The skillmaps will be separated into the 3 belt categories that utilize Impact through MakeCode Arcade.
- White Belt
- Yellow Belt
- Orange Belt
Each belt skillmap will have a series of paths divided by the belts degree structure.
- First Degree
- Second Degree
- First Degree
- Second Degree
- First Degree
- Second Degree
- Third Degree
Each of the belt degree paths will contain a series of nodes represented by an exercise covering its respective topic
- Make the sprite say something
- Setting the sprites position and understanding the x/y-axis
- Adding splash and sound effects
- Changing the sprite image
- Sprite velocity
- The important of block sequence and changing the order of code.
- Creating a story
- Controller implementation and directional inputs
- Introduction of booleans through "stay on screen" and "bounce" blocks
- Further sequencing
- Introduction to the overlap block
- Varying interactions differing from Goal, Enemy, and Food
- Varying results based on overlaps
- Introduction to variables and implementation such as Timer, Score, Life, and Countdown variables.