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Define Heyting algebra
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rahulc29 committed Dec 24, 2023
1 parent 1edb894 commit 94aa9e0
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 0 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Tripos/HeytingAlgebra.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
module Realizability.Tripos.HeytingAlgebra where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice

ℓ ℓ' : Level
record IsHeytingAlgebra {H : Type ℓ} (0l 1l : H) (_∨l_ _∧l_ _→l_ : H H H) : Type ℓ where
constructor isHeytingAlgebra
isSetH : isSet H
lattice : IsLattice 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_
open IsLattice lattice public
_≤_ : H H Type ℓ
x ≤ y = x ∨l y ≡ y

_≤'_ : H H Type ℓ
x ≤' y = x ∧l y ≡ x

≤→≤' : x y x ≤ y x ≤' y
≤→≤' x y x≤y =
x ∧l y
≡⟨ cong (λ y x ∧l y) (sym x≤y) ⟩
x ∧l (x ∨l y)
≡⟨ absorb x y .snd ⟩

≤'→≤ : x y x ≤' y x ≤ y
≤'→≤ x y x≤'y =
x ∨l y
≡⟨ cong (λ x x ∨l y) (sym x≤'y) ⟩
(x ∧l y) ∨l y
≡⟨ ∨lComm _ _ ⟩
y ∨l (x ∧l y)
≡⟨ cong (λ x y ∨l x) (∧lComm _ _) ⟩
y ∨l (y ∧l x)
≡⟨ absorb y x .fst ⟩

≤≡≤' : x y x ≤ y ≡ x ≤' y
≤≡≤' x y = hPropExt (isSetH _ _) (isSetH _ _) (≤→≤' x y) (≤'→≤ x y)

isRefl≤ : h h ≤ h
isRefl≤ h = ∨lIdem h

isAntiSym≤ : x y x ≤ y y ≤ x x ≡ y
isAntiSym≤ x y x≤y y≤x =
≡⟨ sym y≤x ⟩
y ∨l x
≡⟨ ∨lComm y x ⟩
x ∨l y
≡⟨ x≤y ⟩
y ∎

isTrans≤ : x y z x ≤ y y ≤ z x ≤ z
isTrans≤ x y z x≤y y≤z =
x ∨l z
≡⟨ cong (λ z x ∨l z) (sym y≤z) ⟩
x ∨l (y ∨l z)
≡⟨ ∨lAssoc x y z ⟩
(x ∨l y) ∨l z
≡⟨ cong (λ y y ∨l z) x≤y ⟩
y ∨l z
≡⟨ y≤z ⟩

isBottom0l : x 0l ≤ x
isBottom0l x = ∨lLid x

isTop1l : x x ≤ 1l
isTop1l x = ≤'→≤ x 1l (∧lRid x)

-- Heyting implication

→isHeytingImplication : x y z (x ∧l y) ≤ z x ≤ (y →l z)

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