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Merge pull request #23 from rahulc29/polymorphism
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rahulc29 authored Oct 21, 2024
2 parents eab9171 + eaf5b8f commit bedc62a
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Showing 13 changed files with 601 additions and 606 deletions.
82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions docs/Realizability.Modest.Base.html

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14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions docs/Realizability.Modest.CanonicalPER.html

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500 changes: 252 additions & 248 deletions docs/Realizability.Modest.PartialSurjection.html

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160 changes: 80 additions & 80 deletions docs/Realizability.Modest.SubQuotientCanonicalPERIso.html

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366 changes: 185 additions & 181 deletions docs/Realizability.PERs.SubQuotient.html

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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly/Exponentials.agda
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.FinData hiding (eq)
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ _⇒_ : {A B : Type ℓ} → (as : Assembly A) → (bs : Assembly B) → Assembl
_⇒_ {A} {B} as bs .⊩isPropValued r f = isPropTracks {X = A} {Y = B} {xs = as} {ys = bs} r (f .map)
(as ⇒ bs) .⊩surjective f = f .tracker

-- What a distinguished gentleman
eval : {X Y : Type ℓ} (xs : Assembly X) (ys : Assembly Y) AssemblyMorphism ((xs ⇒ ys) ⊗ xs) ys
eval xs ys .map (f , x) = f .map x
eval {X} {Y} xs ys .tracker =
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/Base.agda
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Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a t
module _ {X : Type ℓ} (asmX : Assembly X) where

isModest : Type _
isModest = (x y : X) (a : A) a ⊩[ asmX ] x a ⊩[ asmX ] y x ≡ y
isModest = (x y : X) ∃[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩[ asmX ] x × a ⊩[ asmX ] y) x ≡ y

isPropIsModest : isProp isModest
isPropIsModest = isPropΠ3 λ x y a isProp→ (isProp→ (asmX .isSetX x y))
isPropIsModest = isPropΠ2 λ x y isProp→ (asmX .isSetX x y)

isUniqueRealized : isModest (a : A) isProp (Σ[ x ∈ X ] (a ⊩[ asmX ] x))
isUniqueRealized isMod a (x , a⊩x) (y , a⊩y) = Σ≡Prop (λ x' asmX .⊩isPropValued a x') (isMod x y a a⊩x a⊩y)
isUniqueRealized isMod a (x , a⊩x) (y , a⊩y) = Σ≡Prop (λ x' asmX .⊩isPropValued a x') (isMod x y ∣ a , a⊩x , a⊩y ∣₁)

ModestSet : Type ℓ Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
ModestSet X = Σ[ xs ∈ Assembly X ] isModest xs
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10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/CanonicalPER.agda
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Expand Up @@ -53,13 +53,7 @@ module _
PER.isPropValued canonicalPER a b (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) (x' , a⊩x' , b⊩x') =
(λ x isProp× (asmX .⊩isPropValued a x) (asmX .⊩isPropValued b x))
(isModestAsmX x x' a a⊩x a⊩x')
(isModestAsmX x x' ∣ a , a⊩x , a⊩x' ∣₁)
fst (PER.isPER canonicalPER) a b (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) = x , b⊩x , a⊩x
snd (PER.isPER canonicalPER) a b c (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) (x' , b⊩x' , c⊩x') =
x' , subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x x' b b⊩x b⊩x') a⊩x , c⊩x'

CanonicalPERFunctor : Functor MOD PERCat
Functor.F-ob CanonicalPERFunctor (X , asmX , isModestAsmX) = canonicalPER asmX isModestAsmX
Functor.F-hom CanonicalPERFunctor {X , asmX , isModestAsmX} {Y , asmY , isModestAsmY} f = {!!}
Functor.F-id CanonicalPERFunctor = {!!}
Functor.F-seq CanonicalPERFunctor = {!!}
x' , subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x x' ∣ b , b⊩x , b⊩x' ∣₁) a⊩x , c⊩x'
22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/PartialSurjection.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,15 +132,19 @@ module ModestSetIso (X : Type ℓ) (isCorrectHLevel : isSet X) where
((a , s) , ≡x) surj .isSurjectionEnumeration x
return (a , (s , ≡x))
snd (PartialSurjection→ModestSet surj) x y r (s , ≡x) (t , ≡x') =
≡⟨ sym ≡x ⟩
surj .enumeration (r , s)
≡⟨ cong (λ s surj .enumeration (r , s)) (surj .isPropSupport r s t) ⟩
surj .enumeration (r , t)
≡⟨ ≡x' ⟩
snd (PartialSurjection→ModestSet surj) x y ∃a =
(λ _ surj .isSetX x y)
(λ { (r , (s , ≡x) , (t , ≡y))
≡⟨ sym ≡x ⟩
surj .enumeration (r , s)
≡⟨ cong (λ s surj .enumeration (r , s)) (surj .isPropSupport r s t) ⟩
surj .enumeration (r , t)
≡⟨ ≡y ⟩
∎ })

rightInv : surj ModestSet→PartialSurjection (PartialSurjection→ModestSet surj) ≡ surj
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/SubQuotientCanonicalPERIso.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ module
reprActionCoh : a b a~b reprAction a ≡ reprAction b
reprActionCoh (a , x , a⊩x , _) (b , x' , b⊩x' , _) (x'' , a⊩x'' , b⊩x'') =
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x x'' a a⊩x a⊩x'' ⟩
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x x'' ∣ a , a⊩x , a⊩x'' ∣₁
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x'' x' b b⊩x'' b⊩x' ⟩
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x'' x' ∣ b , b⊩x'' , b⊩x' ∣₁
AssemblyMorphism.tracker invert = return (Id , (λ sq a a⊩sq goal sq a a⊩sq)) where
Expand All @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ module
isPropMotive sq = isPropΠ2 λ a a⊩sq asmX .⊩isPropValued _ _

elemMotive : (x : domain theCanonicalPER) motive [ x ]
elemMotive (r , x , r⊩x , _) a (x' , a⊩x' , r⊩x') = subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x' x r r⊩x' r⊩x) a⊩x'
elemMotive (r , x , r⊩x , _) a (x' , a⊩x' , r⊩x') = subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x' x ∣ r , r⊩x' , r⊩x ∣₁) a⊩x'

goal : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq (Id ⨾ a) ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)
goal sq a a⊩sq = subst (_⊩[ asmX ] _) (sym (Ida≡a a)) (realizability sq a a⊩sq)
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22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions src/Realizability/PERs/SubQuotient.agda
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Expand Up @@ -73,21 +73,25 @@ module _
(λ [a] isPropPropTrunc)
(λ { (a , a~a) return (a , a~a) })

isModestSubQuotientAssembly : isModest subQuotientAssembly
isModestSubQuotientAssembly x y a a⊩x a⊩y =
{P = λ x y motive x y}
(λ { (x , x~x) (y , y~y) a a~x a~y
eq/ (x , x~x) (y , y~y) (PER.isTransitive per x a y (PER.isSymmetric per a x a~x) a~y) })
x y
a a⊩x a⊩y where
isModestSubQuotientAssembly x y ∃a =
(λ _ squash/ x y)
(λ { (a , a⊩x , a⊩y)
{P = motive}
(λ { (x , x~x) (y , y~y) a a~x a~y
eq/ (x , x~x) (y , y~y) (PER.isTransitive per x a y (PER.isSymmetric per a x a~x) a~y) })
x y a a⊩x a⊩y })
∃a where
motive : (x y : subQuotient) Type ℓ
motive x y = (a : A) (a⊩x : a ⊩[ subQuotientAssembly ] x) (a⊩y : a ⊩[ subQuotientAssembly ] y) x ≡ y

isPropMotive : x y isProp (motive x y)
isPropMotive x y = isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _ squash/ x y

module _ (R S : PER) (f : perMorphism R S) where

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14 changes: 2 additions & 12 deletions src/Realizability/Topos/Equalizer.agda
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Expand Up @@ -19,21 +19,11 @@ More formally, we can show that ∃[ ob ∈ RTObject ] ∃[ eq ∈ RTMorphism ob
To do this, we firstly show the universal property for the case when we have already been given the
Since we are eliminating a set quotient into a proposition, we can choose any representatives.
Thus we have shown that RT merely has equalisers.
The idea of showing the mere existence of equalisers was suggested by Jon Sterling.
It is possible to define things differently and quotient predicates by realizable equivalence but that causes type-checking time
to explode, so we do not do that here.
See also : Remark 2.7 of "Tripos Theory" by JHP
An extra note worth adding is that the code is quite difficult to read and very ugly. This is mostly due to the fact that a lot
of the things that are "implicit" in an informal setting need to be justified here. More so than usual.
There is additional bureacracy because we have to deal with eliminators of set quotients. This makes things a little more complicated.
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure renaming (Term to ApplStrTerm)
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Topos/SubobjectClassifier.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ Predicate.isPropValued truePredicate tt* r = isPropUnit*
= fromPredicate truePredicate

-- The subobject classifier classifies subobjects represented by strict relations
-- Since every subobject is isomorphic to one represented by a strict relation
-- this is enough to establish that true : 1 → Ω is a subobject classifier
module ClassifiesStrictRelations
(X : Type ℓ)
(perX : PartialEquivalenceRelation X)
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