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Rahul Chhabra authored and Rahul Chhabra committed Dec 15, 2023
1 parent f1f5ff7 commit d78e5c0
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Showing 5 changed files with 117 additions and 4 deletions.
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/Realizability/Assembly/Path.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.Categories.Category

module Realizability.Assembly.Path {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +57,14 @@ CatIsoToPath {X , xs} {Y , ys} x∼y = ΣPathP (P , λ i → record
{B = λ i p' Type ℓ}
{f = xs ._⊩_ xᵣ}
{g = ys ._⊩_ yᵣ}
λ {x y} p' hPropExt {A = xᵣ ⊩X x} {B = yᵣ ⊩Y y} (xs .⊩isPropValued xᵣ x) (ys .⊩isPropValued yᵣ y) (λ xᵣ⊩x {!!}) λ yᵣ⊩y → {!!}
λ {x y} p'
{A = xᵣ ⊩X x}
{B = yᵣ ⊩Y y}
(xs .⊩isPropValued xᵣ x)
(ys .⊩isPropValued yᵣ y)
(λ xᵣ⊩x {!!})
λ yᵣ⊩y {!!}

⊩isPropValuedOverP : PathP (λ i (a : A) (p : P i) isProp (⊩overP i a p)) (xs .⊩isPropValued) (ys .⊩isPropValued)
⊩isPropValuedOverP =
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly/Regular/Cobase.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ module
(f~ , f~tracks) f .tracker
(b , bTracksSurjectivity) isSurjectivelyTrackedE
return (s ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ pair) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ b) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ f~) ⨾ Id))) ⨾ Id , λ z zᵣ zᵣ⊩z {!!} , {!!} , {!!} ∣₁)
(s ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ pair) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ b) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ f~) ⨾ Id))) ⨾ Id ,
λ z zᵣ zᵣ⊩z
return ({!!} , {!!}))

module _ (cl : CharLemma) where
open ASMKernelPairs
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Realizability/Assembly/Regular/Everything.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ module Realizability.Assembly.Regular.Everything where

open import Realizability.Assembly.Regular.CharLemma
open import Realizability.Assembly.Regular.CharLemmaProof
open import Realizability.Assembly.Regular.RegularProof
--open import Realizability.Assembly.Regular.RegularProof
open import Realizability.Assembly.Regular.Cobase
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Tripos/Everything.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
module Realizability.Tripos.Everything where
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Tripos/Predicate.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order

module Realizability.Tripos.Predicate {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where
open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a)

record Predicate {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) (ℓ-suc ℓ')) (ℓ-suc ℓ'')) where
isSetX : isSet X
∣_∣ : X A Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'')
isPropValued : x a isProp (∣_∣ x a)

open Predicate
_⊩_ : {ℓ'} A (A Type ℓ') Type ℓ'
a ⊩ ϕ = ϕ a

PredicateΣ : {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) (ℓ-suc ℓ')) (ℓ-suc ℓ''))
PredicateΣ {ℓ'} {ℓ''} X = Σ[ isSetX ∈ isSet X ] (X A hProp (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ''))

isSetPredicateΣ : {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') isSet (PredicateΣ {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X)
isSetPredicateΣ X = isSetΣ (isProp→isSet isPropIsSet) λ isSetX isSetΠ λ x isSetΠ λ a isSetHProp

PredicateIsoΣ : {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') Iso (Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X) (PredicateΣ {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X)
PredicateIsoΣ {ℓ'} {ℓ''} X =
(λ p p .isSetX , λ x a ∣ p ∣ x a , p .isPropValued x a)
(λ p record { isSetX = p .fst ; ∣_∣ = λ x a p .snd x a .fst ; isPropValued = λ x a p .snd x a .snd })
(λ b refl)
λ a refl

Predicate≡Σ : {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X ≡ PredicateΣ {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X
Predicate≡Σ {ℓ'} {ℓ''} X = isoToPath (PredicateIsoΣ X)

isSetPredicate : {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') isSet (Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X)
isSetPredicate {ℓ'} {ℓ''} X = subst (λ predicateType isSet predicateType) (sym (Predicate≡Σ X)) (isSetPredicateΣ {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X)

module PredicateProperties {ℓ' ℓ''} (X : Type ℓ') where
PredicateX = Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X
open Predicate
_≤_ : Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'')
ϕ ≤ ψ = ∃[ b ∈ A ] ( (x : X) (a : A) a ⊩ (∣ ϕ ∣ x) (b ⨾ a) ⊩ ∣ ψ ∣ x)

isProp≤ : ϕ ψ isProp (ϕ ≤ ψ)
isProp≤ ϕ ψ = isPropPropTrunc

isRefl≤ : ϕ ϕ ≤ ϕ
isRefl≤ ϕ = ∣ Id , (λ x a a⊩ϕx subst (λ r r ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ x) (sym (Ida≡a a)) a⊩ϕx) ∣₁

isTrans≤ : ϕ ψ ξ ϕ ≤ ψ ψ ≤ ξ ϕ ≤ ξ
isTrans≤ ϕ ψ ξ ϕ≤ψ ψ≤ξ = do
(a , ϕ≤[a]ψ) ϕ≤ψ
(b , ψ≤[b]ξ) ψ≤ξ
return ((B b a) , (λ x a' a'⊩ϕx subst (λ r r ⊩ ∣ ξ ∣ x) (sym (Ba≡gfa b a a')) (ψ≤[b]ξ x (a ⨾ a') (ϕ≤[a]ψ x a' a'⊩ϕx))))

open IsPreorder renaming (is-set to isSet; is-prop-valued to isPropValued; is-refl to isRefl; is-trans to isTrans)

preorder≤ : _
preorder≤ = preorder (Predicate X) _≤_ (ispreorder (isSetPredicate X) isProp≤ isRefl≤ isTrans≤)

infix 25 _⊔_
_⊔_ : PredicateX PredicateX PredicateX
(ϕ ⊔ ψ) .isSetX = ϕ .isSetX
∣ ϕ ⊔ ψ ∣ x a = ∥ ((pair ⨾ k ⨾ a) ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ x) ⊎ ((pair ⨾ k' ⨾ a) ⊩ ∣ ψ ∣ x) ∥₁
(ϕ ⊔ ψ) .isPropValued x a = isPropPropTrunc

infix 25 _⊓_
_⊓_ : PredicateX PredicateX PredicateX
(ϕ ⊓ ψ) .isSetX = ϕ .isSetX
∣ ϕ ⊓ ψ ∣ x a = ((pr₁ ⨾ a) ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ x) × ((pr₂ ⨾ a) ⊩ ∣ ψ ∣ x)
(ϕ ⊓ ψ) .isPropValued x a = isProp× (ϕ .isPropValued x (pr₁ ⨾ a)) (ψ .isPropValued x (pr₂ ⨾ a))

infix 25 _⇒_
_⇒_ : PredicateX PredicateX PredicateX
(ϕ ⇒ ψ) .isSetX = ϕ .isSetX
∣ ϕ ⇒ ψ ∣ x a = b (b ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ x) (a ⨾ b) ⊩ ∣ ψ ∣ x
(ϕ ⇒ ψ) .isPropValued x a = isPropΠ λ a isPropΠ λ a⊩ϕx ψ .isPropValued _ _

module Morphism {ℓ' ℓ''} {X Y : Type ℓ'} (isSetX : isSet X) (isSetY : isSet Y) where
PredicateX = Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} X
PredicateY = Predicate {ℓ'' = ℓ''} Y

_⋆ : (X Y) (PredicateY PredicateX)
f ⋆ = λ ϕ record { isSetX = isSetX ; ∣_∣ = λ x a a ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ (f x) ; isPropValued = λ x a ϕ .isPropValued (f x) a }

`∀_ : (X Y) (PredicateX PredicateY)
`∀ f = λ ϕ record { isSetX = isSetY ; ∣_∣ = λ y a ( b x f x ≡ y (a ⨾ b) ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ x) ; isPropValued = λ y a isPropΠ λ a' isPropΠ λ x isPropΠ λ fx≡y ϕ .isPropValued x (a ⨾ a') }

`∃_ : (X Y) (PredicateX PredicateY)
`∃ f = λ ϕ record { isSetX = isSetY ; ∣_∣ = λ y a ∃[ x ∈ X ] (f x ≡ y) × (a ⊩ ∣ ϕ ∣ x) ; isPropValued = λ y a isPropPropTrunc }

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