Download the zip file from the Git Repository
Extract turing-frontend-rahul-master.zip. You will see src, public, package.json and README.md - these four under the project root folder
Go to turing-frontend-rahul-master folder in CLI
Run 'npm install'
Once the 'npm install' command is successfull, finally Run
- npm start
This will launch the browser and the turing-frontend application.
- Installed latest vrsion of Node - 10.15.3LTS (macOSx64) from the nodejs.org
- Go to CLI/Terninal
- npm install create-react-app --save
- Go to your Working folder (CLI)
- create-react-app turing-frontend-app
- cd turing-frontend-app
- Download the zip file from the Git Repository
- Extract turing-frontend-rahul-master.zip
- Copy the extracted 'src' and 'public' folders from repository and replace the same folders under your current react app("turing-frontend-app") which is created in "Step 2"
Install following package from your newly created app folder - "turing-frontend-app"
- npm install react-dom react-router-dom axios --save
Once all above steps are successfull, finally Run
- npm start
This will launch the browser and the turing-frontend-all