Protobuf is a method of serializing structured data. Data serialization is important piece in building Streaming solutions as it makes sure that your data is being consistent across your platform and you can share it easily. Protobuf messages are defined in .proto
files and it supports generating code bindings in many different languages including Python, Java, C#, C++, Go etc.
This blog talks about
- Create Kafka Topic and Protobuf Schema from Conduktor UI.
- Producer Protobuf Messages to Topic using Java Producer.
- Consume Protobuf messages from Conduktor.
Once you have configured and connected your cluster in Conduktor, You can create a topic from Conduktor UI by choosing Topics
from left and then clicking on CREATE
on top right. Check below screenshot where we are creating topic testprotobuftopic
with 6 partitions and 3 replication factor.
Once topic is created, it looks like below.
Next you need to create a protobuf schema and attach it to the above created topic. To create schema, choose Schema Registry
from left and click on CREATE
on top right corner. For creating schema, you need to choose below mentioned options.
-> Protobuf
-> Topic Name
Key or Value
-> Value
-> Choose topic from drop down
Our protobuf schema looks like below and we are going to attach it to topic testprotobuftopic
created in above step.
syntax = "proto3";
package conduktor.v1;
option java_outer_classname = "ProductProtobuf";
message Product {
int32 product_id = 1;
string name = 2;
string description = 3;
Once your schema is created, it will be shown up in Schema Registry page with name as $topicname-value
. This is because we have choosen Strategy as topic name
For this step, we are going to use Java Producer in maven based project. The producer will produce messages with key as String and value serialized with Protobuf Serializer. You can look at the code in this repository for the same Java protobuf Producer. Note that we are using protoc-jar-maven-plugin
plugin in our maven pom.xml. This is required to generate protobuf code bindings from our Product.proto
file so that we can use those code bindigs to produce messages with Product type. You just need to compile this maven project('mvn clean' and 'mvn complie') and the code bindings will be generate automatically from this plugin.
Once protobuf messages are produced to the topic, we can consume those from Conduktor UI. To do this, you need to Choose Topics from the left pane and click on your topic from which you want to consume data. For this demo, we are going to consume data from our testprotobuftopic
topic to which We have produced the messages in step 2. Once you are on your topic, Click on Consume Data
on the top right corner.
Choose below mentioned settings from Conduktor UI to start consuming data from the topic.
Under Format
choose key
as String
and Value
as Protobuf(Schema Registry)
Under Parameters
choose Start from
as the beginning(earliest)
After choosing all the above settings, Click Start
from bottom left and you will see protobuf messages which have been produced to this topic in step 2. If you dont see any messages the check your settings again or check your producer.
Protocol buffers define how you want your data to be structured so that you can serialize and deserialize messages easily and share data across different platforms.Conduktor continues to grow in capabilities and it provides the options of using Protobuf Schemas with your kafka topics which gives your flexibility and more and more opportunities to build nice streaming applications.