This project is a Library Management System API built using Django, Django REST Framework (DRF), and Celery. It allows users to manage books and authors, track book borrowing records, and generate periodic reports on library activity.
GET /authors/
- List all authors.POST /authors/
- Create a new author.GET /authors/<id>/
- Retrieve a specific author.PUT /authors/<id>/
- Update a specific author.DELETE /authors/<id>/
- Delete a specific author.
GET /books/
- List all books.POST /books/
- Add a new book.GET /books/<id>/
- Retrieve a specific book.PUT /books/<id>/
- Update a specific book.DELETE /books/<id>/
- Delete a specific book.
Borrow Records
POST /borrow-record/
- Create a borrow record (decreasesavailable_copies
by 1 if copies are available).PUT /borrow-record/<id>/return/
- Update a borrow record, e.g., adding a return date.
POST /reports/
- Trigger background task to generate a library activity report.GET /reports/
- Download the latest report.
- Backend: Django, Django REST Framework
- Task Queue: Celery with Redis
- Database: Postgres
- Containerization: Docker
- Python 3.10 or higher
- Redis (for Celery backend)
- Docker (optional, for containerized deployment)
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd library-management
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the development server:
python runserver
- Start the Redis server Ensure Redis is running. If not installed, use Docker:
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis
- Start the Celery worker
celery -A library_management worker --loglevel=info