avatarly is a simple gem for creating gmail-like user avatars based on user email or any other string passed
inspired and influenced by https://github.com/johnnyhalife/avatar-generator.rb
Avatarly requires ImageMagick to be installed.
The gems are hosted at Rubygems.org. Make sure you're using the latest version of rubygems:
$ gem update --system
Then you can install the gem as follows:
$ gem install avatarly
Add to your Gemfile:
gem "avatarly"
and then type:
bundle install
To generate image please do:
Avatarly.generate_avatar(text, opts={})
the only required parameter is text. Other options that you can pass are:
- background_color (#AABBCC)
- font_color (#AABBCC)
- size (default: 32)
- font (path to font - e.g. "#{Rails.root}/your_font.ttf")
- font_size (default: size / 2)
- vertical_offset (default: 0)
- format (default: png)
- lang (language code if unicode aware upcase required - e.g: :tr, default: nil)
As a result you will get an image blob - rest is up to you, do whatever you want with it.
For instance you can store avatar in directory with images:
img = Avatarly.generate_avatar(text, opts={})
File.open('public/images/avatar_name.png', 'wb') do |f|
f.write img