Gem to run Rainforest Automated Tests locally or on Sauce Labs.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rainforest_ruby_runtime'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rainforest_ruby_runtime
$ git clone [email protected]:rainforestapp/rainforest_ruby_runtime.git
$ gem build
$ gem install
To run the tests on Sauce Labs, first run rainforest_test --prepare-sauce
, and then set the following environment variables:
SAUCE_USERNAME=<your username>
SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<your access key>
You can then run the tests using the following command:
bundle exec rainforest_test <test-file.rb>
Rainforest Ruby Runtime supports test runs on Sauce Labs against Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, and Safari.
By default, your tests will run against Chrome. You can run one or more test scripts against multiple browsers with the following configuration:
bundle exec rainforest_test --browsers firefox,chrome,edge <test-file.rb>,<test-file1.rb>
To run the associated Rainforest tests for any failed Selenium tests, follow these steps:
Step 1: Download your test scripts from Rainforest, then run your automated tests on Sauce labs per the instructions above
Step 2: Determine the number of results you need to return with the following calculation:
limit = number of scripts run * number of browsers selected
Step 3: Request the results from your last test run
You can find detailed instructions for making requests to Sauce Labs here
NOTE: It's very important that no other users are executing tests concurrently. Your limit calculation may not include the proper results if other users are running tests at the same time.
Sample Response:
"name"=>"Rainforest [1]",
"os"=>"Windows 2008",
Filter your response array to include only failed results; "passed" => false
Step 4: Extract required properties to re-run tests on Rainforest
The response for each result will include the browser, and the test ID, as the number within brackets in the name
Extract test information from the filtered results object:
Example results hash:
{"123"=>["ie11_1440_900", "windows10_edge"]}
Step 5: Run tests in Rainforest to verify the failed tests
Use Rainforest's CLI to Rainforest tests by ID against the failed broswers.
Example script to help you write yours:
# Run your Rainforest scripts against Sauce Labs
bundle exec rainforest_test <test-file.rb>,<test-file1.rb>,<test-file2.rb> --browsers firefox,chrome,edge
# Calculate results limit, set environment info
limit = <automation script count> * <browser count> # replace placeholders with values for each run
username = ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME']
access_key = ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY']
# Make request to sauce labs
uri = URI("{username}/jobs?limit=#{limit}&full=true")
resp = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => 'https') do |http|
req = uri
req.basic_auth username, access_key
http.request req
# Parse response
tests = JSON.parse(resp.body)
tests = example
# Filter for only failed tests
failed_tests = do |test|
test['passed'] == false
# Mapping from Sauce browser name to Rainforest browser name
rf_browsers = {
'googlechrome' => 'chrome_1440_900',
'firefox' => 'firefox_1440_900',
'iexplore' => 'ie11_1440_900',
'microsoftedge' => 'windows10_edge',
'safari' => 'safari_1440_900',
# Find Rainforest test id from name in format "Some Name [1234]"
results = {}
failed_tests.each do |test|
name = test['name']
id = name[/^Rainforest \[(\d+)\]/]
next unless id
results[id] ||= []
# Execute rainforest cli once per test id
results.each do |test_id, browsers|
system("rainforest run #{test_id} --browsers #{browsers.join(',')}")
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) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request