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Aikido Voting

A module for making group decisions on the Aikido Portal.


Coaches and leaders of aikido federation use different means for communication, there is no single channel for coordination of issues. If it is required, for example, to make a decision on the organization of the next seminar, it is done both in messenger and verbally. It is necessary to create MVP web-service that facilitates interaction on decision-making on the activities of both individual club and the federation as a whole. The service should provide for integration into a portal for managing aikido events. Consider technologies to create distributed databases so that information is stored and duplicated on different disks.


Develop a service that facilitates interaction and decision-making among Aikido Federation members.

Expected results

A module for the Aikido Portal in which:

  • there is open and anonymous voting, restrictions on voting time;
  • the possibility of communication between members of the federation within the service and through sending notifications to Telegram;
  • data protection and encryption are provided;
  • distributed database management is provided.

Our team

We are ФРЕНДЗОНА, a bunch of students of IRIT-RTF, an institute of the Ural Federal University:


GNU General Public License v3.0, see LICENSE for additional information.