- Windows 10
As a part of an OpenGL class in the university, we were asked to come up with an idea and work on it as our project. I came up with the idea of mixing Chess with TicTacToe. This is a 2-player turn based game. The game was built entirely from scratch using OpenGL and C++.
Both players take turns in taking one action. either place a piece on the board or move an existing piece one square horizontally or vertically. The player that manages to align their pieces in a straight line first wins. Additionally, there are power cards that can give the player a special move:
- Lock a Piece Card: locks your oponent's piece for an entire turn
- Reposition Card: Allows you to pick your piece and place it anywhere on the board
- Swap Card: It allows you to switch your piece with your opponent's piece
- Visual Studio - C++
- OpenGL
- Affinity Designer
This game was created for educational purposes. The assets used in this project are used from the internet and belongs to their creators. At no point do I claim that they belong to me. However, some of the assets were created by me using affinity designer. Also, game code was written by me and I retain full rights to it.
Copyright © 2020 Rakan