This bundle provides a simple integration of the "PDF.JS library" from mozilla into Symfony 4 with different custom parameters.
Following features are supported:
- Access to pdf outside from web directory.
- Customizable pdf viewer options.
- PDF.js incorporated until 23/03/2017.
Available at:
Why use this?:
- This bundle renders a pdf with on server side. For this reazon you can have an alternative solution to the default browser viewer that can variate the way that a pdf can be loaded on each browser type.
- This bundle can access files in every part of the server.
- This bundle can delete the pdf after rendering it.
Its necessary to provide the bundle's name in order to download it:
$ php composer.phar require jjalvarezl/pdfjs-viewer-bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
jjalvarezl\PDFjsViewerBundle\jjalvarezlPDFjsViewerBundle:class => ['all' => true],
Don't forget to install assets, is the only way that this bundle works:
$ php app/console assets:install --symlink --relative
First at all, its necessary to establish some taxonomy an initial concepts in order to understand how it works:
- Webroot: is the web folder of Symfony
- "PDF.js" works only in webroot folders in all kind of projects.
- This bundle enables to "PDF.js" to show pdf files in any place that you need to obtain them.
- It makes a temporal copy with the absolute path of the pdf file in a custom temporal dir inside webroot (defined by the developer). So make sure about the right permissions (files + owner).
- Once "PDF.js" loads the pdf file, this bundle can immediately delete it from webroot in order to avoid issues such as disk space overflow.
- This bundle also can show or hide visual "PDF.js" components.
All those features can be performed with parameters which have only true / false values as follows:
You can choose from different ways to use this bundle:
Fast testing
You can verify functionality in multiple browsers, you can enable the default "PDF.js viewer" with same loaded pdf in your function controller that returns a response:
return $this->get('jjalvarezl_pdfjs_viewer.viewer_controller')->renderTestViewer();
Default viewer
This shows same pdf viewer as the fast testing but its necessary to configure some extra parameters:
$parameters = array(
//Tell to the bundle that the pdf is outside the webroot
'isPdfOutsideWebroot' => true,
//Tell to the bundle where is the pdf. (absolute path for outside temporal folder pdf, just the <name>.pdf for inside temporal folder)
'pdf' => '/home/jjalvarezl/Descargas/123.pdf',
//Tell to the bundle that its necessary to delete pdf after render.
'deletePdfInTmpAfterRenderized' => false,
return $this->get('jjalvarezl_pdfjs_viewer.viewer_controller')->renderDefaultViewer($parameters);
Custom viewer
Also, you can customize which elements from viewer you want to display by editing the parameters:
$parameters = array(
//Same parameters as defalt viewer.
//pdf.js viewer options
'showToolBar' => true,
'showLeftToolbarButton' => true,
'showSearchInDocumentButton' => true,
'showPreviousPageButton' => true,
'showPreviousPageButton' => true,
'showFindPageInputText' => true,
'showNumberOfPagesLabel' => true,
'showZoomInButton'=> false,
'showZoomOutButton'=> false,
'showScaleSelectComboBox'=> false,
'showPresentationModeButton'=> true,
'showOpenFileButton'=> true,
'showPrintButton'=> true,
'showDownloadButton'=> true,
'showViewBookmarkButton'=> true,
'showToolsButton'=> true,
return $this->get('jjalvarezl_pdfjs_viewer.viewer_controller')->renderCustomViewer($parameters);
Here you can play with this parameters as you wish for customize the pdf viewer.
- Email: [email protected]
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