A NNTP-Reader for Android, currently in early development state
Newsreader is a simple NNTP client for Android. Articles from subscribed newsgroups are saved into a local database, synchronization with the news server happens completely in the background, thus there is no delay displaying messages, data- and battery consumption is not too high and it’s possible to read all downloaded messages offline. Memory consumption is larger but it’s only text, and the header data has to be saved anyway in order to mark new messages as unread.
- Unencrypted connection to news servers
- Background synchronization, interval can be configured by user
- Displaying messages chronologically
- Showing message headers
- Displaying number of new messages per newsgroup
- Mark messages as read / unread
- Post messages
- Synchronize only over wifi or always
- Displaying messages hierarchically
- Secure connection to news servers with SSL / TLS
- Secure password storage on the device
- Individual settings for saving messages
The app will be made completely open source and distributed via PlayStore for free and without advertisement, as soon as there’s a stable release.
If you wanna become an Alpha Tester, please feel free to contact me via E-Mail: [email protected]
What I need from you is your Gmail-Address (the one you use for Google PlayStore on your phone) in order to add you to my tester list.