Solution built for Docker to monitor metrics from a node.js application and send daily emails with a list requisition frequency and response code. Services:
- app (node.js code to cluster (load balance) node instances per CPU;
- nginx-proxy (reverse proxy for app);
- prometheus (metrics database);
- cadvisor (metrics collector);
- grafana (reports dashboard).
Tests run on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS (, but the architecture is flexible enough to work on later Ubuntu versions.
Make sure that your host has connection to the internet. It is necessary for receiving daily emails (website workload) Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS, configured with:
- Docker Engine version 1.13 or higher
- Docker Compose version 1.21.2 or higher
- Git
- Clone (or download from GitHub) this repository on your Docker host
$ git clone
- Go to docker_monitoring_nodejs_app directory
$ cd docker_monitoring_nodejs_app
- Run
in your shell and provide root password when asked. It will install docker, docker-compose, setup ssmtp for the daily job (first email will be sent 30 minutes after deployment time) and deploy the solution. It will do all the magic for you 👍
$ ./
- Enter email recipient (preferably Gmail) and root password when prompted
If you need to rebuild the containers (e.g.: image updates, configuration changes), make the necessary changes and run the following command:
$ sudo docker-compose up --build`
In a new shell session, you can visualize the node process workload distribution individually by running this command
$ sudo docker exec -it app "top | grep /usr/local/bin/node"`
In a new shell session, run the commands below to start a utility that will generate requests to nginx proxy ports 80 and 443
$ sudo docker run --rm --network=dockermonitoringnodejsapp_container-net --name=wrk_stressTest williamyeh/wrk -t9 -c10 -d30s -H 'Host: docker_host' --timeout 5s http://nginx-proxy:80
$ sudo docker run --rm --network=dockermonitoringnodejsapp_container-net --name=wrk_stressTest williamyeh/wrk -t9 -c10 -d30s -H 'Host: docker_host' --timeout 5s https://nginx-proxy:443
It is also possible to stress test the app itself on port 3000
sudo docker run --rm --network=dockermonitoringnodejsapp_container-net --name=wrk_stressTest williamyeh/wrk -t9 -c10 -d30s -H 'Host: docker_host' --timeout 5s http://app:3000
You can monitor the workload results by accessing Grafana dashboard 'containers-monitor': http://localhost:2000/dashboard/db/containers-monitor
The last two graphs refer to network input/output. It is also interesting to monitor memory and cpu usage.
You are going to receive daily emails in the email you entered when running
Make sure Docker host (where ssmtp package resides) has connection to the internet.
This file contains the ssmtp server configuration. SSMTP is installed in the docker host by the
Use this configuration file to add/change smtp server address and account credentials.
Cron is going to send daily emails at a pre-defined time of 30 minutes after the first deployment.
To change hours/minutes of the daily job, change the variables Min
and Hour
#Define hours and minutes for the daily job
Min=$(date --date='30 minutes' +%M)
Hour=$(date --date='30 minutes' +%H)
- app
- nginx-proxy
- Prometheus (metrics database)
- cAdvisor (containers metrics collector)
- Grafana (visualize metrics)
The list of running containers can be seen by running $ sudo docker ps
- listens for port 3000, this port is mirrored to your docker host;
- prints "Hello world!" and the number of CPUS in the docker host (Obs.: Number of CPUs might be limited in Docker preferences->Advanced menu);
- it has a cluster configured that is going to create one node instance per CPU;
- configured to reverse proxy app container. It is going to redirect both HTTP and HTTPS requests
- for HTTP requests:
- for HTTPS requests:
You should see the "Hello World" message followed by the number of CPUs.
- it has its database configured to store metrics collected from cadvisor
- Raw metrics can be inspected by visiting
All data from Prometheus is persistent as docker volumes were specified in docker-compose.yml.
- cadvisor is configured to collect metrics from all containers and store them on prometheus database.
- cadvisor metrics can be seen in Grafana dashboard.
- cadvisor service uses port 8080 but it is mapped to port 7070 on the docker Host.
- To access cadvisor, simply go to
- Grafana dashboard is configured with metric graphs for monitoring.
- Navigate to
and login with user admin password admin. You can change the credentials in either the compose file or by supplying theADMIN_USER
environment variables on compose up.
$ ADMIN_USER=admin ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin docker-compose up`
Grafana is preconfigured with dashboards and 'prometheus' as the default data source:
Type: Prometheus
Url: http://prometheus:9090
Access: proxy
basicAuth: false
All data from Grafana is persistent as docker volumes were specified in docker-compose.yml.
$ docker images
nginx-proxy 2 083b8ee92295 3 minutes ago 19.2MB
app latest 45a1f72491e4 5 minutes ago 71.9MB
node 8.11.4-alpine 8adf3c3eb26c 30 hours ago 68.1MB
prom/prometheus latest 0915a968017e 7 weeks ago 119MB
alpine edge 9d1f27787d39 2 months ago 4.41MB
grafana/grafana 4.6.3 5d1d85717268 8 months ago 284MB
google/cadvisor latest 75f88e3ec333 9 months ago 62.2MB
URL: http://localhost:2000/dashboard/db/containers-monitor
- CPU Load: sum(rate(container_cpu_user_seconds_total{image!=""}[1m])) / count(machine_cpu_cores) * 100
- CPU Cores: machine_cpu_cores
- Memory load: sum((go_memstats_frees_total)/(go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total))*1000
- Used Memory: sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{image!=""})
- Storage Load: sum((container_fs_inodes_free)/(container_fs_inodes_total))
- Used Storage: sum(container_fs_usage_bytes)
- Running Containers: scalar(count(container_memory_usage_bytes{image!=""}) > 0)
- File System Load: sum(container_fs_inodes_free/container_fs_inodes_total)*10
- I/O Usage: sum(irate(container_fs_reads_bytes_total[5m])); sum(irate(container_fs_writes_bytes_total[5m])); sum(irate(container_fs_io_time_seconds_total[5m]))
- Container CPU Usage: sum by (name) (rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!=""}[1m])) / scalar(count(machine_cpu_cores)) * 100
- Container Memory Usage: sum by (name)(container_memory_usage_bytes{image!=""})
- Container Cached Memory Usage: sum by (name) (container_memory_cache{image!=""})
- Container Network Input: sum by (name) (rate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{image!=""}[1m]))
- Container Network Output: sum by (name) (rate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{image!=""}[1m]))