A list of all the old-school sites I can find. Websites fitting into this umbrella tend to be lightweight and have aesthetics reminiscent of Web 1.0. The sites do not necessarily have to be old to be included.
Adding more sites to this list is free of restrictions, so feel free to make a pull request and contribute. However, this repository might contain objectionable content.
- Space Jam Official 1996 promotional site for the movie Space Jam
- Cameron's World Nostalgic web-collage created from content archived from GeoCities pages (1994–2009)
- Internet 1996 World Exposition A digital archive celebrating the Internet's early cultural and creative projects from 1996
- Dial Up Sound A nostalgic tribute to the sounds and experience of 1990s dial-up internet
- Instant Internet (InstaNet) A retro ISP site providing internet access, web hosting, and resources for creating personal web pages
- Zombo.com A satirical, single-serving website from 1999 that humorously exaggerates Flash intros
- Frutiger Aero Archive A tribute to the mid-2000s "Frutiger Aero" design style with resources like wallpapers and music
- My Cool 2005 Discovery A personal webpage containing a reflection on discovering YouTube in 2005 and its potential impact on internet culture.
- Ryan's World Ryan Peden/Boglin's personal site that's been online and hosted in the same place since 1998
- ADW / Andy Wardley's Home Page Andy Wardley's Personal Site
- Frankdeboosere Personal site run by Belgian weather-man Frank Deboosere
- Willem.dev Personal website by Willem Schots, dedicated to sharing knowledge and resources on Go (Golang) and web development
- The Best Page in the Universe Satirical blog made by Maddox where they humorously criticize everything from pop culture to societal trends
- PowerDVD3000 A retro computing and multimedia site featuring VHS recordings, vintage tech, and nostalgic content, hosted by PowerDVD3000
- Paul Graham Co-founder of Y Combinator, Paul Graham's site hosts essays on startups, innovation, and philosophy, offering guidance for entrepreneurs
- Teleportacia: Olia Lialina's Home A digital archive of Olia Lialina’s net art and early web culture
- Verisimilitudes A blog exploring software development, computing philosophy, and technical topics
- Born Free A personal site focused on subjects like tech, books and the state of the world
- Heaven's Gate Legacy site for the Heaven's Gate group
- Textfiles.com Archive dedicated to preserving and sharing text files from the early days of the internet and bulletin board systems (BBS) in the 1980s and 1990s
- One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age/Tumblr The Geocities research blog by Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied.
- McSpotlight A resource hub critiquing McDonald's and global corporate practices
- Dole Kemp '96 The official campaign page for Bob Dole and Jack Kemp's 1996 U.S. presidential election bid
- ALIWEB (Archie Like Indexing for the WEB) One of the first search engines, created in 1993
- TravelASSIST Magazine One of the first online travel magazines created in 1995
- The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension (Deoxy)(Dead)/Mirror 1/2 An early internet archive established in 1993 focusing on psychedelics, mysticism, and subversive philosophy
- DiscMaster An archive and search engine for files extracted from vintage CDs and software collections, primarily from the late 20th century
- Oldschool PC Fonts - Oldschool PC Fonts
- BrycesPix A creative hub for mods, downloads, and digital art, with a quirky, LEGO frog-inspired theme
- Fusion Anomaly An eclectic digital archive blending technology, metaphysics, and counterculture themes
- Restorativland A project to restore and archive abandoned web spaces, preserving digital history for accessibility and exploration
- Mydora a music archive and streaming project that provides access to songs from the recovered Myspace Music database
- Geocities Restorativland A digital archive preserving the creativity of early GeoCities websites
- HapSlash's JKII Homepage A modding hub for Jedi Knight II, showcasing HapSlash’s custom skins, models, and tutorials
- Kengo’s JK2 Mapping Showcase A showcase of Jedi Knight II custom maps, tutorials, and level design projects by Kengo
- Serpent Code Productions A hub for Lassev’s Jedi Knight II modding projects, levels, and tutorials
- RichDiesal's JK2Radiant Mapsource Comprehensive tutorial resource for creating maps in Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast using the Radiant level editor
- SQLook Modern web-based SQLite database manager with a nostalgic Windows 2000 interface
- JR Software Home of software tools and utilities created by Jordan Russell, including the Inno Setup tool for creating Windows installers
- The Benchmarks Game Programming language performance comparison through benchmarks
- qBittorrent Official site for the qBittorrent client
- Lazy Foo' Productions SDL game development tutorials and resources
- Geo for Bootstrap A retro-inspired, open-source Bootstrap theme by Divshot
- suckless.org Website dedicated to the Suckless Software project, which focuses on minimalist software tools following a simplicity-first philosophy
- MINIX 3 Official site for the MINIX 3 lightweight Unix-like OS
- EldritchData A cybersecurity and survivalist resource with privacy guides, Linux security, and OPSEC techniques.
- Catholic Apologetics Information Comprehensive resource for Catholic teaching and apologetics
- The Proceedings of the Friesian School Philosophical resource focused on Kantian and Friesian traditions
- Clare W. Graves Website A platform dedicated to Dr. Clare W. Graves' Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory (ECLET) and its applications in psychology, leadership, and societal development
- Victor's Way Official Site of Victor's Way, a privately owned meditation garden which contains black granite sculptures
- Druid Contemplation at Victor’s Way A site associated with Victor's Way for Druid-inspired philosophical contemplation, exploring existential themes and self-realization at Victor’s Way in Ireland.
- Pantheism Ireland A site associated with Victor's Way that serves as a resource hub for pantheism philosophy and community in Ireland
- Charvaka Ashram at Victor’s Way in Roundwood, Ireland A platform associated with Victor's Way exploring Charvaka philosophy, emphasizing materialism, skepticism, and the pursuit of pleasure through empirical evidence.
- All Ireland Pataphysical Institute of Spiritual Resuscitation A platform exploring Pataphysics, the science of imaginary solutions and self-reinvention, inspired by Alfred Jarry
- TheShadowlands Oldschool Paranormal Research Site
- Erowid/Erowid Center A comprehensive drug information and harm-reduction resource
- Links to Faiths for All Spiritual Needs A comprehensive resource on global faiths and spiritual traditions
- Jesus-is-Savior.com A Christian website focusing on salvation, biblical teachings, and social commentary
- Lumianist A platform for spiritual exploration and personal enlightenment, offering resources and teachings centered around these ideas
- Anxiety Culture A satirical webzine exploring work culture, media, and psychology with humor and anti-establishment ideas
- The Abolitionist Project A transhumanist project promoting the abolition of suffering through biotech and genetic engineering
- Macroevolution.net A site on evolutionary biology, hybridization, and alternative human origin theories
- Debunking Skeptics A platform critiquing skeptical viewpoints and promoting alternative perspectives
- hiking.com.hk Hong Kong Hiking site
- SolarNavigator A platform showcasing solar-powered global expeditions and renewable energy innovations
- See The World Tours Site of See The World Tours LLC, a travel agency based in Austintown, Ohio, specializing in group-escorted tours to various international destinations
- Blues Saloon Site for a historic live music venue located at 1638 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Dino's Tomato Pie Site of a pizzeria located at 1524 East Olive Way in Seattle, Washington specializing in Sicilian-style pizzas and cocktails
- Sous Sol French-inspired restaurant and cocktail bar in Winnipeg's Osborne Village
- Registration and Examination Division (RED) of the Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) PIEAS's official admissions portal for online application submissions and related information
- PIEAS Admission Status Portal PIEAS portal for applicants to check admission application status / Account for access / Screenshot (March 1, 2025)
- Captain Marvel | Marvel.com A Marvel.com section dedicated to the 2019 Captain Marvel film
- Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) A NASA-supported website featuring daily astronomical images with expert explanations
- Berkshire Hathaway Official Home Page The official, minimalist website of Berkshire Hathaway, offering investor-focused resources
- TACO A multipurpose site belonging to Technical Advisors, Inc. offering tech services, web hosting, and niche resources
- Arngren Norwegian gadget sales site
- DPGraph A site for DPGraph software, Dynamic Photorealistic 3D Graphing Software for Math and Physics Visualization th and science visualization
- RainDrop Laboratories (RDROP) Hosting platform for personal projects and community content
- Hacker News Social news platform hosted by Y Combinator
- DANZIG Site about Writer/Producer/Director Glenn Danzig
- Crouton.net A minimalist website showcasing a single image of a crouton
A list of sources I visited to obtain the content for this repo. It is not an exhaustive list.
- Wiby, 2 Search Engine for Lightweight Web Pages
- Another Useless Website Find Random "Useless"/ Novelty Sites
- July 8, 2019 - u/miklcct - r/webdev: Web 1.0 era websites which are still maintained and active
- November 15, 2012 - Attila Nagy - Gizmodo: 23 Ancient Web Sites That Are Still Alive
- Various articles about Web 1.0
- Inspired by awesome-old-school-sites