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LionEats: Review-leaving app for restaurants around campus. Final project for Advanced Software Engineering Course.

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Team Piplups - Members

  • Rashel Rojas - rdr2139
  • Mauricio Guerrero - mg4145
  • Daisy Ye - yy3131
  • Dayna Lee - dl3410
  • Sana Ahmed - sa3892

About LionEats

Our service allows users to read and leave reviews for restaurants near campus and around NYC.

How to Run Service:

Service is hosted here:

How to Run Client:

Download the repo and enter into the terminal 'python3'. Now enter "" into the browser and navigate through the client!

  • While testing, if you attempt to login and you run into a loop in which the client keeps bringing you back and forth between the login and singup page, run this in the browser:

CI for Service: Travis CI

  • Click the green check mark at the top of the repo. Click 'Details' next to Travis CI. Click 'The build'. Travis CI will open in a new tab.
  • Under 'Job log' shows the CI report. Here you can see Travis runs our unit tests, coverage tool, and style checker.

Style Checker: Flake8

  • Report (bugs.txt) is in our repo

Coverage Tool:

  • Travis displays the coverage percentage for and under 'Job log'
  • The folder htmlcov/ in our repo also has and that you can open on your computer to view the coverage percentages (download repo, run 'coverage run -m unittest discover' to test coverage and 'coverage run -m --branch unittest discover' to test branch coverage. run 'coverage html' after each command and then open up those test files from htmlcov folder).

Bug Finder: SonarCloud

  • Click the green check mark at the top of the repo. Click 'Details' next to SonarCloud and then 'View more details on SonarCloud.'

System Tests for Service:

  • Postman was used for testing GET and POST requests.
    • See the Collections in Postman for our workspace.

API Documentation:


  • GET
    • Homepage
      • Creates tables for storing reviews submitted by users and user accounts if the tables didn't already exist
      • Does not return anything except for a welcome message to the user
    • Clear
      • Deletes then creates tables for storing reviews submitted by users and user accounts
      • Does not return anything
    • Edit review
      • When a user is logged in and clicks on the Edit review button
      • Displays all the review made by this user and has a search engine for the user to edit a review for a specific restaurant
      • returns status_code 200 and success
      • if the user is not logged in yet, this page will redirect to the login page
    • Edit Review Search
      • When a user clicks on the submit button after putting in a restaurant name
      • will display error message if restaurant is not found (status_code = 500)
      • returns status code 200 if the review is successfully found
      • if the review exists, will show the page that the user can put in the new rating and review
    • Restaurant Display Filter
      • Displays the restaurants in the database whose average rating is at or above the specified number and their average rating
      • The user is directed here when they selects a numbered radio button and hit filter on the homepage
      • The user must select a radio button before filtering
      • Allows the user to enter a restaurant name to see its reviews
      • Returns status code 200
    • Restaurant Reviews
      • Displays all reviews (star rating, review, uni) for a specified restaurant
      • User can select radio button to filter reviews at or above the specified number
      • The user is directed here when they enter a restaurant name into the search box and hit the view button from either the home page or either restaurant display page
      • User must enter a restaurant name before they can view the reviews
      • Returns status code 200
    • Restaurant Review Filter
      • Displays all reviews (star rating, review, uni) for a specified restaurant at or above the specified number
      • User can select radio button to filter reviews again or select the see all reviews button to see all reviews again
      • The user is directed here when they select a radio button on the restaurant reviews page
      • User must enter a star number before they can view the reviews
      • Returns status code 200
  • POST
    • Login
      • Allows users to login to LionEats client app
      • Assumes user logs in with a string username and password
      • Endpoint returns success/failure messages as json through 'response'
      • Returns status code of 200 for successful login, 500 if failure
      • Failure messages returned if username/password does not exist as an account

      Example Json Response: {"status_code":"500", "status":"failure", "reason":"wrong password"}

    • Signup
      • Allows users to sign up to LionEats client app
      • Assumes user signs up with a string username and password
      • Endpoint returns success/failure messages as json through 'response'
      • Returns status code of 200 for successful signup, 500 if failure
      • Failure messages returned if username is already linked to an account

      Example Json Response: {"status_code":"500", "status":"failure", "reason":"account exists"}

    • Add Review
      • Allows users to add reviews to the database
      • Assumes given valid uni
      • Endpoint returns success/failure messages as json through 'response'
      • Returns status code of 200 for successful add, 500 if failure
      • Faiure messages returned if there is already a review left at the restaurant by the username

      Example Json Response: {"status_code":"500", "status":"failure", "reason":"already reviewed this restaurant"}

    • Update star and Review
      • When the user puts in both the new star and new review and hit submit, he/she will be redirected to the edit review page
      • returns status code 200
      • the user has to update both fields because they are required
    • Restaurant Display All
      • Displays all the restaurants in the database and their average rating
      • The user is directed here when they click the see all restaurants button on the homepage
      • Allows the user to enter a restaurant name to see its reviews
      • Returns status code 200


LionEats: Review-leaving app for restaurants around campus. Final project for Advanced Software Engineering Course.






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