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Security: rastmob/cookie-management


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Google Chrome: Version 60 and later

Chrome is frequently updated, and most users are on the latest version due to its automatic update feature.

Mozilla Firefox: Version 55 and later

Like Chrome, Firefox users are often on newer versions due to automatic updates.

Safari: Version 10 and later

Safari updates are tied to macOS updates, so supporting recent versions generally covers most users.

Microsoft Edge: Version 15 and later

Edge, especially its Chromium-based versions, is regularly updated. Support for older versions can often be limited.

Opera: Version 47 and later

Opera also tends to be up-to-date for most users, similar to Chrome and Firefox.

Internet Explorer: Version 11

While IE is largely outdated and not recommended for modern web applications, some enterprises still use it. If your user base includes enterprises that might still be on IE, version 11 is the one to support.


Mobile Browsers: If your audience uses mobile devices significantly, consider support for mobile browser versions like Chrome for Android, Safari on iOS, and Samsung Internet.

Fallbacks and Polyfills: For older browsers, consider using JavaScript polyfills or fallback strategies for better compatibility.

Testing: Always test your script across different browsers and versions to ensure compatibility.

Updates: Keep an eye on browser market share and update supported versions accordingly, as browser landscapes can change relatively quickly.

There aren’t any published security advisories