Use Docker Compose for quick setup a monitoring solution based on InfluxDB and Grafana.
This repository contains a simple docker-compose file that will create a local installation of InfluxDb + Grafana on your host system.
It will expose the InfluxDB on public portt = 8086 and Grafana will be exposed on 3000 port.
For quick installation clone the git repository and run the script then.
Or you can do it manually with a few steps listed below:
$ cd influxdb-grafana-docker
$ docker network create monitoring
$ docker volume create grafana-volume
$ docker volume create influxdb-volume
$ docker run --rm \
-e INFLUXDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword \
-e INFLUXDB_USER=telegraf -e INFLUXDB_USER_PASSWORD=secretpassword \
-v influxdb-volume:/var/lib/influxdb influxdb /
$ docker-compose up -d
Then open server_ip:3000 and login into Grafana with admin:admin credentials for the first time.
Next step you need to add the InfluxDB as a new data source in Grafana with URL = http://influxdb:8086 and database name telegraf with user credentials that you were created.
After that you're ready to serve the first incoming request and create Grafana dashboards.
If you need any additional plugins in Grafana you may install them inside docker container then:
$ docker exec -ti grafana /bin/bash
grafana@e71d851299cb:/usr/share/grafana$ grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel
installing grafana-worldmap-panel @ 0.2.0
from url:
into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
✔ Installed grafana-worldmap-panel successfully
Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>
grafana@e71d851299cb:/usr/share/grafana$ exit
$ docker restart grafana
Have fun !
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